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Showing posts from March, 2023

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 4.10.23

(* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: PLC Wednesday:   In your classrooms. Please be ready to discuss which iReady instruction you would like as a grade level. The district will only be purchasing either ELA or Math again next year.  Custodial Schedule:     Fire/Evacuation Drill: April 12th @ 9am Library:   Track B  Staff Meeting:  April 18th 2:35 in the staffroom PLC Training: Derk has offered to send one representative per site to a PLC training on June 19th - 21st. Please follow the link to get more information and let me know if you are interested. Should be a great opportunity to learn. Click HERE for more info. *Reminder: Pl ease return promptly to your classrooms after lunch so that MDS can be on-time for their next duty, especially during wet weather. This will help us strive to maintain the necessary level of safety throughout the school day. TOSA Corner:  YOU MADE IT!! Happy Spring break! Here is an article called “21 Thi

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 3.27.23

  (* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: PLC Wednesday:   In your classrooms. Custodial Schedule:     Fire/Evacuation Drill:  March 28th depending on weather. Library:   Track A  Staff Meeting: April 18th 2:35 in the staffroom Reminder: Pl ease return promptly to your classrooms after lunch so that MDS can be on-time for their next duty, especially during wet weather. This will help us strive to maintain the necessary level of safety throughout the school day. TOSA Corner:  Happy Friday! I hope that you are all looking forward to our very close Spring Break. I know I am as I will be heading to Chicago for the week. I am in desperate need of snuggling my kid. ;)  As the time in our school year is closing and you may be close to finishing your math books, I wanted to show you a few things that you can use to reassess your students to see if they have any gaps. This can help you see what you can reteach as a whole class or in small gro

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 3.20.23

(* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: PLC Wednesday:   In your classrooms. Custodial Schedule:     Fire/Evacuation Drill:  March 22nd depending on weather. Library:   Track B We  have received over 300 new books and they will be available next week!  Staff Meeting:  March 21st Cancelled TOSA Corner: This week is just a reminder of the most recent training everyone attended on the effective math block. As a review, best practices include math centers; how this looks in your class is totally up to you! If you've never tried math centers, start with that level one (a couple different math centers, teacher monitors and walks around for support) before trying level two (teachers are a center themselves). If you haven't started centers in your math block and would like support launching it, please let me know. I can help plan stations, model management techniques, or help co-teach and lead a center. I figure that at this time of t

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 3.13.23

  (* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: PLC Wednesday:   In your classrooms. Custodial Schedule:     Fire/Evacuation Drill:  March TBD Library:   CLosed for ELPAC Staff Meeting:  March 21st cancelled TOSA Corner: I really enjoyed the article that Josh & Richard shared with us at our staff meeting. It reminded me about the importance of our relationships with students, but also the relationships between students. Since pushing into so many classes, I’ve noticed that many of you are utilizing the morning meetings to help facilitate the relationships and build communities within your classrooms. It has been really wonderful seeing this. I came across an article called “How to Address Group Conflicts Using Class Meetings” and it was eye-opening that a Kindergarten teacher could use the morning meeting to solve a group problem. It’s a great read and even has a few links for tools to help you learn how to facilitate if you’d like to