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Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 9.11.23


 (* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.


Library: Track B 

PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. RtI ends at 2:20

Evacuation Drill: 9.13.23 @ 9am

District Leadership Meeting: N/A

Westpark Students: Will be on campus Tuesday the 12th at 8:40-9:40.

Staff meeting: 9/21 @ 2:25

TOSA Corner: Welcome back! It has taken me 21 days to finally sit down to give you some tips and tricks for the beginning of school. Now that everyone has finished their BOY assessments, it’s time to look at our goals for the year. I thought that I would start with some math tips because this is one of our districts focus for the year, adding a few days of math workshops so that you can meet with students in small groups more often. 

All of you have gone through the math training last year with our district, so I thought that I would re-share a few things for math that I shared last year.  I am also including the Math Tier 1 Overview slide deck here so that you can relook at what an Effective Math Block looks like in your own time. If you have questions or would like help planning, please don’t hesitate to ask. I am more than happy to help. 

District Announcement/Expectation: Please be sure that Teachers’/Faculty children are supervised before and after school in their classrooms or on the playground. Children may not be in areas where confidential conversations take place such as:
  • Staff rooms
  • Work rooms
  • Teacher pods
  • Front offices
Copies: Please remind your volunteers that teachers have the priority in the workroom. Teachers have a short window to complete work, so they will need to cut in if needed. Thank you. 

Chromebooks: Below are some important guidelines to share with your student to ensure the proper care of their Chromebook both at school and at home:
  • Handle with Care: Always treat your Chromebook carefully, avoiding drops, impacts, or rough handling.

  • Safe Transport: Use a padded bag or protective case when carrying your Chromebook to and from school. Avoid placing heavy objects on it.

  • Avoid Liquids: Chromebooks and liquids do not mix well. Please keep beverages and other liquids away from your device.

  • Gentle Cleaning: Use a soft, lint-free cloth to clean the screen and keyboard. Avoid using abrasive materials or cleaners that could harm the device.

  • Responsible Charging: Only use the provided charger and avoid overcharging your Chromebook. Remember to unplug it when fully charged.

  • Prompt Reporting: If you accidentally damage your Chromebook, please report it immediately to the Library Media Specialist. Do not attempt to repair it yourself.

Open House: We received new direction for Open House. We can't do an Open House on Wednesday, because of now PLC Wednesdays. We are also trying to not have Open House the same night as our feeder schools (Chilton). The middle schools are trying to avoid having Open House on the same night as the high school. So, we are tentatively reserving April 25th, 2024 from 5-7pm for our Open House. If there's a school board meeting we will need to adjust. We will find out in January and will confirm with you. 

Sensory Path: Our path is for everyone, however, it's not open for ALL at recess time. If you would like to to take your kids through it to show them, please do. Feel free to offer it if a student needs a break.

Walking the Line: We will all have our students walk the 3 basketball courts by the bark box for walking tickets.

**Please remember to check the LIVE Google Calendar as dates/times are subject to change.


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