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Showing posts from September, 2021

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 9.27.21

  Quick Links: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) BDR: Click HERE SSP Link: Click here to view the process Link & start paperwork PBIS Help: Click FORM for support. PLC Monday: Click HERE for Grade Level Agendas Bronco Blast FORM:  Click  HERE  for the BBF. Guess Who? Form:  Click  HERE   INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: Library:   We are on track B is this week for library this week. Please return all library books the day before! DTM Day:  Click HERE for DTM Schedule on 9/30. Click HERE for DTM Paperwork    PD Day 10/1/21: Please report to the barn by 8:30 on Friday.  8:30 Start in Barn 11:30 Lunch 12:30 Reconvene in Barn Fire Inspection:  The alarms will be tested on 9/30. Shouldn't take too long.     *Staff lunch Options:  We have been reminded that staff needs to be 6ft while eating and staff room should be a last resort for eating lunch. Please be thinking of options for staff lunch times when we have bad  weather. We will discuss du

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 9.20.21

  Quick Links: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) BDR: Click HERE SSP Link: Click here to view the process Link & start paperwork PBIS Help: Click FORM for support. PLC Monday: Click HERE for Grade Level Agendas Bronco Blast FORM:  Click  HERE  for the BBF. Guess Who? Form: Click HERE   INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: Make Up Pictures:  We have make-up pictures  scheduled for make up day on  Monday, September 20 th   from  8-9am. Please see Rene's email for a list of students still needed and      Field Trip Busing:  Due to driver shortages, not field trip busing available at this point in the year. Will keep you updated.     Staff lunch Options: We have been reminded that staff needs to be 6ft while eating and staff room should be a last resort for eating lunch. Please be thinking of options for staff lunch times when we have bad  weather. We will discuss during our PD on the 1st. Thank you for your help in figuring this out.    Fire Drill:

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 9.13.21

  Quick Links: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) SSP Link: Click here to view the process Link & start paperwork PBIS Help: Click FORM for support. PLC Monday: Click HERE for Grade Level Agendas Bronco Blast FORM:  Click  HERE  for the BBF.  INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: Election Location: By law we have to allow election to be on our site. They will be in the Barn. The barn will be open for students to get lunch, but we will be eating outside weather permitting. Just like usual. Thank you for your flexibility.    Care Room: Between 8:10 - 8:25 don't vox that kids are going to care room. Just go ahead and send them. This will help alleviate some of the voxer congestion in the morning. A staff member will always be in there in the morning.    *Pledge of Allegiance:  Normally we do the Pledge over the loud speaker. Until we get that set up again, please make sure you do the Pledge in your classrooms every morning.   Fire Drill: Great job! Ev

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 9.7.21

  INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) SSP Link: Click here to view the process Link & start paperwork PBIS Help: Click FORM for support. PLC Monday: Click HERE for Grade Level Agendas Bronco Blast FORM:  Click  HERE  for the BBF.  PBIS:  Remember to fill out BDRs for data purposes. *Accident Reports:  Instead of completing an office slip for an injury in the classroom, please just fill out the accident report. That will be their ticket to the office and hopefully streamline the process.   Pledge of Allegiance: Normally we do the Pledge over the loud speaker. Until we get that set up again, please make sure you do the Pledge in your classrooms every morning.   Fire Drill: Thursday 9/10 @ 9am!  Refer to the map by the door for the evacuation route. You need to grab small black 2-way radio. Make sure that the door is closed and locked before you leave​. Walkie Talkies should always be on channel 1 for emergencies/drill