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Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 8.31.20

Member Spotlight: Becki Quatman
Binge Watch: Schitts Creek
Saying: "If you don't like your situation, change it."
Music: Tom Petty

Schitt's Creek season 6 on Netflix should be your next binge-watch - Radio  Times

Music & Bing Watch: If you haven't shared your music and binge watching recommendations yet, please click HERE to do so. 


(“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.)

OR VLOG #2: Principal Message to community CLICK HERE
Principal Kids message: Click for VIDEO

PLC Meeting: 8.31.20 we will meet as a staff for 10 minutes. Here is the zoom link.

Attendance Taking: We've only had one day this week when everyone turned in their attendance. Please take attendance daily and submit int he afternoon. The district is still looking for warm body counts, so we need this information ASAP.

New Schedule: Here is the tentative new bell schedule. Remember it's a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning that fulfills the 180 minutes for kindergarten and the 240 minutes for 1st-5th grades. Thank you to PE and music for working so hard on your changes. Thank you teachers for adjusting to make DL more accessible and appropriate for our kids. 

concrete5 5.7 Preview: Developer Changes ::

Lost Student Materials: Families are responsible for any lost materials that are distributied to them. It's crucial that you accurately count your curriculum. Roseville City School District Policy #6004 states "Students will be required to pay for lost or damaged materials." If the student misplaces the curriculum, teachers will notify Maribel and she can place the order.  I will be including this in our newsletter to families.

Checking out library books: Parents have inquired about checking books out from OR. We will NOT be allowing kids to check out library books from the library during distance learning. However, they can check out online books through the city library. See Maribel's BLOG for details. 

Chinese Food Luncheon: Thank you, Jon! This was delicious!

*Cultural Inclusion: Now is a good time to get to know your students culturally. We are going to be exploring techniques that make students/families feel included in the school environment. We have over 850 kids. Our community is vast and different. This is an important step in strengthening out community.

*Attendance: Remember flexibility is key with attendance. We are looking for participation and work completion. It doesn't have to be all day, even though we would like it to be. We don't count tardies. Students must have the best available access to your classroom. We have to remember that at the elementary level, their attendance isn't necessarily a fault of the student.

*Communication: Over communicate with families. Let them know expectations for each week. They are adapting to zoom and the new protocols around using it too. Challenging conversations should be a phone call. This way the family feels verbally and emotionally supported by the teacher. Emails can be cold and perceived many different ways. As we become more familiar with our kids, this will be very important as we support families. 

*Please always double-check with the OR Google Calendar as event may change.*


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