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Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 8.21.20

Staff Member Spotlight: Tina Adjei

Binge Watch: The Witcher
Saying: "Don't sweat the small stuff!"
Music: "Rule the World" Take That


(“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.)

OR VLOG #1: Principal Message to community CLICK HERE

Recording LIVE Lessons: After receiving feedback from staff, the start date for recording of direction instruction has been pushed to Tuesday the 25th in order to allow staff to work together Monday during PLCs if they feel the need to practice or troubleshoot cloud recording.

The optional PD Zoom Breakout rooms session on Monday will also include a 10-minute review of cloud recording settings.

The most important update to this is that teachers must spotlight their video before recording in order to ensure student videos will not be recorded.  The How to Use Spotlight Feature video goes over this.

Chinese Food Luncheon: Jon Richmond worked his magic and has a local restraunt bringing us Chinese Food on Friday the 28th between 12:00-12:30. Please add your name to this doc if you interested, so he can give them a head count. Thank you, Jon!

Cultural Inclusion: Now is a good time to get to know your students culturally. We are going to be exploring techniques that make students/families feel included in the school environment. We have over 850 kids. Our community is vast and different. This is an important step in strengthening out community.

Attendance: Remember flexibility is key with attendance. We are looking for participation and work completion. It doesn't have to be all day, even though we would like it to be. We don't count tardies. Students must have the best available access to your classroom. We have to remember that at the elementary level, their attendance isn't necessarily a fault of the student.

Communication: Over communicate with families. Let them know expectations for each week. They are adapting to zoom and the new protocols around using it too. Challenging conversations should be a phone call. This way the family feels verbally and emotionally supported by the teacher. Emails can be cold and perceived many different ways. As we become more familiar with our kids, this will be very important as we support families. 

*Adjunct Duties: This list will be finalized next week. Remember, we aren't doing as much at this time, so the list will be much smaller than usual. 

*Raptor: We have thought of many different ways to try and make signing in easier, but the best and most consistent way is for each teacher to come up and sign in themselves. This alleviates possible missed communications.

*Voxer NORMS: Just a quick reminder. We have NORMS for voxer. Everyone has been doing well. I haven't, but you have. 

  • Orchard Ranch Thread is normal business hours and for school business and/or Emergencies. 
  • After Hours Thread is for anything funny and before and after normal school hours. This one allows people to mute notifications if they don't want to be distrurbed.
  • Try to side vox individual needs if possible. i.e. custodial support. However, if you're just needing support from anyone, please use the Orchard Ranch thread.

*Please always double-check with the OR Google Calendar as event may change.*


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