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Showing posts from August, 2020

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 8.31.20

Member Spotlight:   Becki Quatman Binge Watch:  Schitts Creek Saying: " If you don't like your situation, change it." Musi c:  Tom Petty M usic & Bing Watch:   If you haven't shared your music and binge watching recommendations yet, please click  HERE  to do so.  IN FORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) OR VLOG #2:  Principal Message to community  CLICK HERE Principal Kids message: Click for VIDEO PLC Meeting: 8.31.20 we will meet as a staff for 10 minutes. Here is the zoom link . Attendance Taking: We've only had one day this week when everyone turned in their attendance. Please take attendance daily and submit int he afternoon. The district is still looking for warm body counts, so we need this information ASAP. New Schedule: Here is the tentative new bell schedule. Remember it's a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning that fulfills the 180 minutes for kindergarten and the 240 minutes

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 8.21.20

Staff Member Spotlight: Tina Adjei Binge Watch:  The Witcher Saying: " Don't sweat the small stuff!" Music:  "Rule the World" Take That IN FORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) OR VLOG #1: Principal Message to community CLICK HERE Recording LIVE Lessons:   After receiving feedback from staff, the start date for recording of direction instruction has been pushed to Tuesday the 25th in order to allow staff to work together Monday during PLCs if they feel the need to practice or troubleshoot cloud recording. The optional PD Zoom Breakout rooms session on Monday will also include a 10-minute review of cloud recording settings. The most important update to this is that teachers must spotlight their video before recording in order to ensure student videos will not be recorded.  The How to Use Spotlight Feature video goes over this. Resource/Video Links How to Use Spotlight Feature (Screencastify) Zoom Cloud Reco

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 8.14.20

  This week's Binge Watching Recommendation "Frasier "   is being brought to you by Crystal Lopes. Music & Bing Watch:  If you haven't shared your music and binge watching recommendations yet, please click  HERE  to do so.  IN FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) Adjunct Duties: This list will be finalized next week. Remember, we aren't doing as much at this time, so the list will be much smaller than usual.  Raptor: We have thought of many different ways to try and make signing in easier, but the best and most consistent way is for each teacher to come up and sign in themselves. This alleviates possible missed communications. Voxer NORMS: Just a quick reminder. We have NORMS for voxer. Everyone has been doing well. I haven't, but you have.  Orchard Ranch Thread is normal business hours and for school business and/or Emergencies.  After Hours Thread is for anything funny and before and after normal sc