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Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 8.20.18

Happy Friday!

Useful Links:
Orchard Ranch Bronco intranet website.  Click HERE

This BLOG is designed to keep a running record of expectations, ideas, directions and serve as an effective way to communicate school and district information. 

(“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.)

Chromebooks and iReady: PODS have been reset with Chromebooks. Most PODS will have enough for one full class at a time. You are free to schedule your own iReady times that work for your class/grade-level. Kindergarten and 1st grade, we will have an iReady training for you on Monday 8/20 at 2:20. iReady needs to be completed by 8/31.

PBIS Recess Rodeo:

Yard Duty: Please arrive at your yard duty on time to avoid problems. It's fine with me if you excuse your kids a couple of minutes early to get out there on time. 

Community Info: We now have a community calendar and Newsfeed on our website. Please direct parents to it for school information. NEWS

Fire Drill: We will have a fire drill on 8/20 @11:10am. 
  • Silent line
  • Vests and walkies
  • Emergency Backpacks (If you don't have them, please let office know.)
  • Red/Green cards (If you don't have them, please let office know.)
  • Lock Door behind you. (This prevents students from running back in.)
  • Follow route and stand silent.

Leadership: I will be at leadership on Tuesday at the district office. I then have an appointment. Megan Spears and Trevor are in charge.

Music Friday: We play music on Fridays to give kids a break from the circle. Eventually, I would like to see this turn into Friday sing, but we're still working on it. 

*Staff Music: Please complete the linked Staff Music googledoc. Your playlist will be played in the staffroom throughout the year. It's also in the Team Drive.

*What's your Drink?: Please complete the linked What's Your Drink googledoc. It's also in the Team Drive.

*Adjunct Site Committee list: We all make up this community so it takes all of us to make it run. I've assigned adjunct duties based on conversations we've had and position help last year. With so many people, we have some BIG committees, so if there's another one we'd like to start, please let Josh know. If you would like to swap, talk with that person and email Josh for approval. Thank you. Adjunct/Site Committee

*Sign-up for HELP: Jessica Brooks (VP at Buljan) would like to offer her son's services in the mornings. Both of her boys attend here and are a great help. I encourage you to use Jonathan as much as you can. CLICK HERE

*Clorox/Lysol: No Clorox or Lysol is allowed in classrooms to clean. Thank you. 

*Vests/Walkies: These should be worn and used on every duty. If you don't have one, please let Rene know. 

*POD: Please make sure the POD is also free of unnecessary debris. These areas need to be deep cleaned too.  

Note: Dates may change. Please continue to double-check the google calendar to confirm dates.


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