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Showing posts from September, 2023

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 10.2.23

  (* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: Library:  Track A  PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. RtI ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill:  10.19 .23   @ 1:00pm District Leadership Meeting: N/A Westpark Students: Will be on campus Tuesday the 10th at 8:40-9:40. Staff meeting: 10.5.23 @ 2:25 in the staffroom TOSA Corner: For the next few months, along with taking RTI groups, I would like to offer help to you with your effective math block. We can work together on one part of the block or even the whole block if you’re interested. I’m open to anything that you need. Here is a link to sign-up with me: OR Co-Planning and Co-Teaching Math I would also like to let you all know that if you would like to observe a teacher in your grade level, I can cover your class for you. I am hoping to give you all time to learn from one another and hopefully pick up some new tips and tricks for your own classroom. For me in this position,

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 9.25.23

(* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: Library:  Track B  PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. RtI ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill: 10.19 .23   @ 1:00pm District Leadership Meeting: N/A Westpark Students: Will be on campus Tuesday the 26th at 8:40-9:40. Staff meeting: 10.5.23 @ 2:25 in the staffroom Park side: Students are not allowed to use the park side bathroom during recess. Finishing lunch: Students finishing their lunch at the concrete tables must keep their lunch boxes at those lunch tables and not walk to their classrooms to put them away. Walking after recess: Please reinforce, practice, and teach the expectation of walking back to class after recess. Field Trips: Please DO NOT advertise field trips to families until after they are approved. If you are willing to administer meds after our our training, but haven't completed the volunteer form, please complete it with Rene. If you have NOT receiv

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 9.18.23

  (* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: Library:  Track A  PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. RtI ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill:  9.13.23   @ 9am District Leadership Meeting: 9.20.23 Belinda is TIC Westpark Students: Will be on campus Tuesday the 19th at 8:40-9:40. Staff meeting: 9/21 @ 2:25 in the staffroom

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 9.11.23

    (* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: Library:  Track B  PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. RtI ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill: 9.13.23   @ 9am District Leadership Meeting: N/A Westpark Students: Will be on campus Tuesday the 12th at 8:40-9:40. Staff meeting: 9/21 @ 2:25 TOSA Corner:  Welcome back! It has taken me 21 days to finally sit down to give y ou some tips and tricks for the beginning of school. Now that everyone has finished their BOY assessments, it’s time to look at our goals for the year. I thought that I would start with some math tips because this is one of our districts focus for the year, adding a few days of math workshops so that you can meet with students in small groups more often.  All of you have gone through the math training last year with our district, so I thought that I would re-share a few things for math that I shared last year.  I am also including the Math Tier 1 Overview sli

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 9.5.23

  (* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: Library:  Track A  PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. RtI ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill:  N/A District Leadership Meeting: 9/6/23 Dakota is TIC Staff meeting: 9/7 @ 2:25 Medications Training Attentiveness:  Please remember to be attentive and spread out while on yard duty. We're in a fishbowl and parents do drive by to make sure kids are safe and supervised. Email Expectations: You have 24 hours to respond to emails. Please don't feel like you have to check or respond to emails after school. That's your time. It's ok to take a moment before you respond. Open House: Please complete this form to help with Open House planning.  *Walking the Line:  We haven't forgot about this. We have a couple questions to ask you at the next staff meeting.  Drop off/Pick up: Please include in your weekly emails reminding families about patience before and after scho