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Showing posts from January, 2023

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 1.30.23

  (* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: PLC Wednesday:   In your classrooms. Custodial Schedule:     Fire Drill:  1/30 @ 9am Library:  Track B Staff Meeting:  February 7th on Zoom WPHS Students:  They will return in 2023. We are waiting on confirmation of when they will begin. Bronco: We are looking for people to help spread the cheer of Bucky the Bronco. Please complete this form if you are willing to share the wonderful opportunity of being our mascot. CLICK HERE Right at School After School Program: OR is piloting, with 3 other schools, the new Extended Learning Opportunity program beginning on 2/6/23. The Program is being run by the company Right at School. It will take place in The Barn every day after school until 6:00pm and during breaks. Obviously this raises come challenges. We are working through those with the district. Thank you for your flexibility.  100th day: 100th Day Actions/ Exercises  (10 jumping jacks, sit ups,

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 1.23.23

  (* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: PLC Wednesday:   In your classrooms. Custodial Schedule:     Fire Drill:  1/24 @ 9am Library:  Track A Staff Meeting:  January 24th on Zoom WPHS Students:  They will return in 2023. We are waiting on confirmation of when they will begin. TOSA Tips: This week's TOSA tip can be used for all grade levels, but might benefit students more in lower grades, or provide additional ELD support. Partner Sandwich is an EduProtocols strategy that supports effective pair share conversations. I've linked a google slideshow that includes visuals, sentence frames, and ways partners can discuss similarities and differences with their responses. You can use this strategy across ALL subjects. Please feel free to make a copy of the slides and tailor it to your needs! Retention Conversations: Please talk with administration BEFORE you talk to parents about retention. RAZ Training: We are in the middle

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 1.17.23

  (* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: PLC Wednesday:   In your classrooms. Custodial Schedule:     Fire Drill:  1/24 @ 9am Library: Track B Staff Meeting:  January 24th in The Barn WPHS Students:  They will return in 2023. We are waiting on confirmation of when they will begin. TOSA Tips: Happy 2023! I hope that you all had a wonderful and restful Winter break. As we are coming back to our regular daily routines, this might be a good time to start something new or reinvent something that you’re already doing to help facilitate student relationships within your classroom and even your relationships with your students. Leslie Huey presented on Morning Meetings at our PD day. I really like the meetings and all of the benefits that come with having them daily.  Here is the slideshow that Leslie used to introduce what a Morning Meeting is. Embedded within the slides is a collaborative Google Sheet with tons of Greetings, Share, an