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Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 10.31.22

 (* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.


PLC Wednesday: Meet in classrooms.

Library: Track A 

Custodial Schedule: Track B 

Fire Drill: 11/4 @ 10am

Staff Meeting: No Staff meeting

Smart Devices and Watches: These devices are to remain off or unused while at school. Please put this blurb in your weekly newsletters. The office will also be sending out information in the next News from the Ranch.  This is new to families, so please give grace if it takes a bit. First offense... warning. Second offense... communicate policy with parents respectfully and seek to understand. Third offense... device is taken away and can pick up after school with parent communication.

MESSAGE TO FAMILIES: Though smart watches and devices are very convenient ways to communicate with your kids, they pose safety issues while at school. School policy is that devices remain off and/or put away while at school. Once school is over, they are allowed to turn them back on. Watches that remain unused can remain on the student's wrist. Any device being used during school will be given to the office. Students will be able to pick up the device after school. Thank you for your help.

KCRA Kids Can: Orchard Ranch will be collecting canned food for KCRA Kids canned food drive and they will donate to Placer Food Bank. We will start collecting on 11/2-11/10. My intention will be having the kids collect and keep tabs on how many cans each class donates. (We may have a surprise for the most cans in the grade level.) A leadership kid will be coming by Friday  during their lunch recess at 12:30 K-3 and 12:55 4-5 to give a speech, hang a sign, and leave a box. Please feel free to put the box and sign(s) where you want. Each day from 11/2 -11/10 a leadership student will be coming to your class to collect cans and take them to the office. I will be sending them at their lunch recess from 12:30-12:55. If this is not a good time for your class please let me know a better time they can come get cans! 

TOSA Tips: On Monday, I will be doing a presentation called Defining Behavior and Behavior Data Collection. I want to give you a few things to think about before I present. Here are the 8 most common behaviors that we see:

  1. Difficulty Focusing/Completing Task/Out of Seat

  2. Elopement (Running Away)

  3. Non-Compliance to Teacher or Other Adults

  4. Physical Aggression

  5. Talking out/Talking Back/Inappropriate Comments

  6. Inappropriate Social Interactions w/Peers and/or Adults

  7. Verbal Aggression

  8. Resists Transitions

In order for us to use the correct intervention, we need to know (or hypothesize) the function (the why) of that behavior. Here are the 4 functions of behavior:

  1. Escape (tasks/demands)

  2. Attention seeking (peers or adults)

  3. Tangibles (access to preferred item or person)

  4. Sensory seeking

Our focus will be how we collect pre-data, figure out the correct intervention for that behavior, and collect post-data to see if progress is made.

PD Day: Tentative Agenda

Meeting 11/1/22:The Barn

The Barn

  • 8:00 - 10:30 Connections/TOSA/AP Behavior

  • 10:30 - 11:30 Essential Standards Presentation

  • 11:30 - 12:30 Lunch

  • 12:30 - 3:00 Essential Standards Presentation/work time

Meeting 11/1/22: The Barn (Breakfast Provided by Admin)

  • 8:00 - 11:30 Connections/Data talk and walk/Collective Commitments

  • 11:30 - 12:30 Lunch

  • 12:30 - 2:30 Teacher Choice Lessons

    • Reflex

    • Math small group planning and implementation

    • Good Notes

    • Writing

    • Email Writing to parents

  • 2:30 - 3:00 Classroom Walk

*Lunch Sharing Baskets: On Monday Richard will be going over the Sharing Basket procedures at lunchtime with the students. In an attempt to reduce waste, there will be four categories of food that we will encourage students to place in the basket instead of throwing in the trash. 
  1. Fruits or veg (not items in container with lid)
  2. Whole or packaged foods (raisins, Scooby Snacks)
  3. Juice Boxes
  4. Packaged, unopened baked goods (waiting for clarification but waffles, not anything cheezy)
Milk may not be placed in the basket since it is an item that will spoil and students should not be taking one if they don't intend to drink it.

*Classroom Outdoor Tables: 4th and 5th grade students are permitted to sit at the tables between Mrs. Isaac and Mrs. Orr classrooms. No food is to be eaten on them since there are no trash cans. Students are allowed to carefully raise the umbrellas. Teachers please train your students how to correctly raise them. At the end of the day please ensure they are lowered and fastened shut.  


Boosterthon (10/24-11/4): Teachers can create an account at with their teacher code to track their class progress. PTC is trying to make this a community event by not running any class competitions. Please continue to hype up your students and get them engaged. Their goal is to raise $40,000 to go towards outdoor tables, barn projector, field trip help, resources, enrichment events and campus enhancements.

Name Our Mascot:
Orchard Ranch is getting a mascot(costume) and PTC needs your class's help with a name. Each class will brainstorm name ideas and use a classroom vote to narrow it down to one name. Teachers will submit their class name idea to THIS Google Form by November 4th. PTC and Site Leadership will conduct a vote and narrow down the selections to three name ideas. Once the top final three names are selected, these names will be announced to the entire school in the morning announcements. The vote is open to students, teachers and staff members. PTC will be coming around November 8th (election day) to each class with three boxes and a ticket for each student. Each student will get to cast their vote and receive an "I voted!" sticker. The name with the popular vote will be the new Mascot of Orchard Ranch. ____ Bronco will make its debut on November 18th during our Round Up Rally!

PTC Meeting(12/6): Our next general meeting is on Tuesday, October 18th at 6:30pm. If you can attend a meeting, please sign up here. We hope you can join us!

Events: Check out upcoming events and our year at a glance HERE.

Staff Costume Dress Up Day (10/31): Come to Monday's PD dressed in your creepy, magical, and otherworldly costume for a chance to win a bonus 30 minute prep or yard duty covered. Staff Costume Dress Up

Next Happy Hour (11/3): Come to Kitchen 747 to celebrate the end of trimester one on November 3rd at 2:26pm. RSVP on the google calendar invite. So far we have 8 staff members attending. We hope to see you there! 

Staff Holiday Party (12/16): Save the date for our Staff Holiday party. We will be having it on December 16th after school. Be on the lookout for more information. 

**Please remember to check the LIVE Google Calendar as dates/times are subject to change.


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