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Showing posts from September, 2022

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 10.3.22

 (* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: PLC Wednesday: Meet in classrooms. Library:   Track A   Custodial Schedule:   Track B   Josh Out:  Cooper has his surgery is scheduled for 10/4. I will be out 10/4 and 10/5. Fire Drill Practice:  We will do a practice drill at our Staff meeting on Tuesday. Staff Meeting:  Tuesday, 10/4 in the barn @2:25. We are going to try and do one meeting in the barn and one on zoom per month.  Round-up Rally: Thank you to everyone for a very successful rally focusing on the Character Trait of Respect. Looking forward to another celebration at the end October. Conferences: Please be on the look out for interpreter sign up for conferences. We have to work around the interpreters schedule. Once you have your date, then you can schedule your families that may need the interpreter. *PTC: PIE Grant(10/7): P TC wanted to remind us all about the RCSD Foundation Pie Grants. The RCSD Foundation will award grants u

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 9.26.22

(* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: PLC Wednesday: Meet in classrooms. Library:   Track B   Custodial Schedule:   Track A   Staff Meeting: No Staff Meeting this week Josh Out: Cooper has his pre-operations appointments on Friday, 9/30. Surgery is scheduled for 10/4. I will be out 9/30, 10/4 and 10/5. Fire Drill Practice: We will be practicing the Fire Drill w/out kids on PLC Wednesday 9/28. More information to come.  Progress Reports: Remember no surprises for families with regards to grades. Use progress report time to inform their parents of everything you are seeing. It will help in the long run.  Sparkler Update: Baby Bump:  Congrats Rene for guessing the closest measurement of Carli's baby bump! Look out for a Starbucks gift card in your email.  Guess the Date:  Congratulations to Dana Sauer, Michelle Johnson, and Sage Po for guessing Carli's date. Look out for a Starbucks gift card in your email. Welcome baby Colt

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 9.19.22

(* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: PLC Wednesday: Meet in classrooms. Library:   Track A  Starts on 9/19 Custodial Schedule:   Track B   Staff Meeting: Tuesday, 9.19.22 @ 2:25 in The Barn Suicide Prevention Slides: CLICK HERE Please preview this slide deck prior to out staff meeting. Thank you. Thank you all for my birthday wishes! I feel so blessed to be a part of this school. Intervention Support: If your students are in need of intervention support, kindergarten is offering support time on Fridays from 1:40-2:05. Please reach out to kindergarten. We will be working on a sign up and will be available soon. Thank you kindergarten teachers. *Voxer: Remember, voxer is used for better communication and support for the staff and students. We try to keep things light hearted and business . Thank you for your support in keeping voxer a supportive tool for OR. *OTUS: Teachers should be also putting things in OTUS so that when kids a

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 9.12.22

 (* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: PLC Wednesday: Meet in classrooms. Library:   Track B  Starts on 9/12 Custodial Schedule:   Track A   Staff Meeting: None this week Voxer: Remember, voxer is used for better communication and support for the staff and students. We try to keep things light hearted and business centered. Please remember to keep opinions and frustrations out of the communication thread. Thank you for your support in keeping voxer a supportive tool for OR. OTUS: Teachers should be also putting things in OTUS so that when kids are going on independent study, we have record of the assigned work an d easily print out their completed work for district submission. PTC Corner: Room Parent and Art Docent:  Please make sure you add in your  Room Parent  and  Art Docent 's name and email address to the sheets. They are separate Google Sheets. If you are having trouble finding a parent to fill that role, please mark it

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 9.6.22

(* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: PLC Wednesday: Meet in classrooms. Library:   Track A Starts on 9/6 Custodial Schedule:   Track B  starting Monday  Staff Meeting: Meeting will be held in the Barn after school @ 2:25 Walk to learn : This will start, if you haven't already, by 9/6. PTC Corner: Room Parent and Art Docent:  Please make sure you add in your  Room Parent  and  Art Docent 's name and email address to the sheets. They are separate Google Sheets. If you are having trouble finding a parent to fill that role, please mark it on the sheet. Thank you! :) TOSA TIPS: I hope that you are all having a great start to the school year. I’ve really enjoyed visiting your classrooms to read my favorite books or do direct drawings with your students.  My tip for this week is our RCSD Key Resource Document . Some of you may have this bookmarked already, but just in case you don’t, here it is. This link has grade-level specif