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Showing posts from August, 2021

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 8.30.21

  INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) SSP Link: Click here to view the process Link & start paperwork PBIS Help: Click FORM for support. PLC Monday: Click HERE for Grade Level Agendas Bronco Blast FORM:  Click  HERE  for the BBF.  Programs allowed on Campus: Remember to fill out BDRs for data purposes. Accident Reports: Instead of completing an office slip for an injury in the classroom, please just fill out the accident report. That will be their ticket to the office and hopefully streamline the process.   School Site COVID Changes from the DO:  Beginning on Monday, please let your staff know that staff rooms will be closed. This closure ensures that multiple staff members would not have to go home if exposed to COVID. Staff is welcome to eat together in other rooms, as long as they are at least 6 feet apart. Eating outside would be the best option, but we understand the constraints with lack of space and students

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 8.23.21

  INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) SSP Link: Click here to view the process Link & start paperwork PBIS Help: Click FORM for support. PLC Monday: Click HERE for Grade Level Agendas Bronco Blast FORM:  Click  HERE  for the BBF.  Programs allowed on Campus: See below   Lunch:  We have a HUGE amount of kids who are bringing lunch from home and also going through the hot lunch line but only drinking the milk or juice. There has been a ton of food waste.  Please talk with your kids and families about sticking with their choice, because we run out of food and waste even more.     Staff Workroom: We really need your help with keeping the teacher workroom clean. Thank you for your help. *Art docents:  We will be implementing the art docent program again this year. Please reach out to your families to find a docent for your class.    School Site Meetings:  Mandatory meetings for staff - PLCs, staff meetings, department me

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 8.16.21

  INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) SSP Link: Click here to view the process Link & start paperwork PBIS Help: Click FORM for support. PLC Monday: Click HERE for Grade Level Agendas Bronco Blast FORM:  Click  HERE  for the BBF.  Call home from class: If a child calls from class, please have them leave message  to avoid panic calls to the office. Care Room: This is now the indoor stage.  Custodial Needs: We have a lot of kids using soap and towels. They can be full in the morning and empty by the afternoon. Please be patient with custodial. Let us know if something needs to be filled.   Voxer:  Sometimes we don't always have time to be cordial on voxer, but please try to use "please and thank you". Early morning arrival: Custodians DO NOT arrive in the morning before 6:30. This means that the alarm is not turned off until 6:30. Thanks for everyone's help with this, I appreciate it and so doe

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 8.9.21

  INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) SSP Link: Click here to view the process Link & start paperwork PBIS Help: Click FORM for support. PLC Monday: Click HERE for Grade Level Agendas Bronco Blast FORM:  Click  HERE  for the BBF.  Masks:  Please remember that we do NOT give punitive consequences for kids forgetting to wear or pull up their masks inside.  Lunch:  Lunch continues to be a work in progress. Moving nearly 900 kids through lunch hasn't been done in almost a year and a half. Thank you for your patience. If you receive emails from parents about outside lunch, please let them know that weather permitting we eat outside. We are working with PTC and the district to explore shade options for our kids.  Message from Mr. Prestedge:   I am so excited to FINALLY get this school year going with all of you. I'll be back on campus Tuesday 8/10. In the short time that I have been here, I am so impressed with yo