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Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 11.9.20


                    How is it possible that can I feel like both of these GIFs right now?

Staff Member Spotlight

Jennifer Gutierrez

Binge Watch: 
Jane the Virgin, Gilmore Girls

"Save your money, you're going to need it when you grow up."

Ed Sheeran, Twenty One Pilots

Music & Bing Watch: 
If you haven't shared your music and binge watching recommendations yet, please click HERE to do so. 


(“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.)

Drop zone: Parents are being directed to drop forgotten items at the drop zone.

Staff Lunch Room: The staff lunch room is open for staff to grab their food, heat up food, get drinks, etc. only. Staff should not be eating their meals in the staff rooms or gathering together.

No recess bells: We are not ringing recess bells, because they would be ringing ALL of the time. Please watch the time and blow the whistle after 15 min. Thank you. 

Lock Blocks: Please check your lock blocks when you leave your classroom. Students should not be able to access your room if you're not there. 

Return Food: Reniea needs any unused food returned to the barn after school. This will help her with her counts. Thank you. Look for new procedures once we get our laundry basket. 

Lost and found: Names in items. Items will only be kept in lost and found for 48 hours.
Drop Zone: We provide water and food for classes. Families shouldn't have to leave items at the drop zone. If they do, it is located just to the left of the office outside. They are being directed to reach through the fence and place on the table. They will be emailing you, the teacher. If it's not picked up, please ask that they pick it up off the table after school. 

Excusal: Please remember that we are releasing only walkers, bike riders, scooters and siblings at 1:15. Everyone else has to wait until 1:20.

Snack/Breakfast time: We need to ensure that kids are eating their snacks safely. Please practice eating snacks while seated and spaced appropriately. Our normal snack protocol is not ok.

Library: Maribel will start sending videos to your classes the week of 11.16. More information to come.

Staff Screener: Please fill out the screener if you are out.

Chromebooks: A questions came up surrounding chromebook access for music/PE. It is a good question. Unfortunately, with PE and Music not being a have to requirement, it's up to families to find a way to access those classes. The district will NOT be allowing devices to come home unless the student is quarantined or we go back to DL.

Program changes: Students switching programs will be approved on Thursdays. Therefore, Fridays will be the last day of attendance in previous program. School will communicate families new schedule that will begin on Monday following approval. 

If families have materials to drop back off, they can put it on the tables out front.

*Please always double-check with the OR Google Calendar as event may change.*


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