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Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 3.9.20

This week's staffroom "Beatles" Playlist is being brought to you by Carli Baumgartner.

Music: If you haven't shared your music of choice yet, please click HERE to do so. 


(“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.)
Lunch Helpers for this week: Mrs. Isaac's class. Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you.

Library: Schedule B
Yearly Schedule Click Here

COVID Update from the DO:
  • We are adhering to Education Code to excuse absences.
  • A family keeping a student home because they are worried about COVID 19 needs to know that will not be an excused absence.
  • There is no evidence of community transmission, we are not closing schools, therefore we are not allowed to excuse absences based on fear of contagion. 
  • Public Health officials have assured us that if a student or staff member becomes at risk, they will notify us immediately.

Independent Study
  • All Independent Study Contract requests, with the reason of COVID 19, must go directly to Principals. Please reach out to your nurse for consultation. 
  • We will not be issuing contracts for students based on COVID 19 in almost all cases because there is no evidence of community transmission, we have no school closures or requirements for social distancing at this time.
  • If and when the above changes, we will let everyone know.

Nightly Cleaning
  • Custodians will continue to diligently clean all surfaces with approved cleaning agents.
  • Please have teachers help this effort by:
    • Not stacking chairs at the end of the day.
    • Having all surfaces cleared of clutter the best that a class can manage. The custodial staff will have to wipe around papers, folders, etc. Surfaces that are more exposed will be cleaned more thoroughly.
    • Not bringing in disinfecting wipes, sprays, etc. If teachers have ideas about cleaning supplies that the district might use, then they need to share the ideas with principals. Principals can then speak with Justin.
    • Cloth items, such as chairs, pillows, rugs, etc. are encouraged to be taken home. We are unable to clean these surfaces. Unless authorized as acceptable RCSD furniture, teachers are leaving themselves exposed to questions from parents about cleanliness and germs.
No more numbers: We are officially NOT using numbers for lunch any longer. Students DO NOT need to bring them to the lunch line. Please just have them line up with like numbers. i.e. the students choosing lunch #1 will be at the front of the line and # 2 will be at the back. Just grouped together.  

*Trash: We are continuing to experience some challenges with trash along the perimeter of the school and especially along the park fence. Please try to take your classes out to pick up trash. If you head to the park for reading, please ask your kids to pick up a few peices in the park bark to help out. We want to make sure the neighborhood knows we value cleanliness. 

*Washing Hands: Just like every cold and flu season, students and staff should try their best to keep hands clean with soap or antibacterial. Custodial is working on ensuring door handles and touch areas are especially clean. Thank you EVERYONE for your help. 

Onsite Events: Please notify the front office whenever you're having a party, event, market day, etc. They handle the calls and everyone that goes through the office, so they need to make adjustments and give out the correct information.  

**Attendance: It is crucial to the goings on in the office that you get your attendance and lunch input ASAP in the morning. Thank you. 

**Health Letters: When a child is sick and you receive a letter to send home, please send home that day and DO NOT wait until Friday. We need to let parents know ASAP. 

Lock Down Drill: If you are an itinerant staff member, please check in in the office when you arrive and leave. The front office has a system that will help you sign in quickly and easily. This is important in emergency situations, as we found out at our last drill. 

Custodial Night Cleaning: Below is the AB schedule for cleaning. The days flipflop weekly. I will work to include the schedule in each BLOG. To help with cleaning, please make sure chairs are stacked and large debris is picked up. This will ensure a cleanlier classroom. 

This week starts with A Schedule.

A Schedule (Rooms 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20)
B Schedule (Rooms 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28)
Nightly: Kinder rooms (7-9, 19)

Nightly: Kinder rooms (7-9, 19)
Schedule A: (Rooms 29, 31, 33, 35)
Schedule B: (Rooms 30, 32, 34)

*Please make sure to always double-check the live Google Calendar, as event may change.*


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