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Showing posts from March, 2020

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 3.16.20

This week's staffroom "2000s Hip Hop " Playlist  is being brought to you by Lyndsie Bogovich . Music:  If you haven't shared your music of choice yet, please click  HERE  to do so.  IN FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) Lunch Helpers for this week:  Mrs. Hirzel's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. Library: Schedule A Yearly Schedule Click Here Moving Forward: We are continuing to move forward as though school is happening. With that being said, we will try and keep our meetings to a minimum. We have to continue meeting as PLCs, preparing for CAASPP, etc. Thank you for your patience as we see what these new practices look like. If you have any questions, please let us know.    IEPs: In an effort to uniform our IEP procedures throughout the district, case managers are being in

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 3.9.20

This week's staffroom "Beatles " Playlist  is being brought to you by Carli Baumgartner . Music:  If you haven't shared your music of choice yet, please click  HERE  to do so.  IN FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) Lunch Helpers for this week:  Mrs. Isaac's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. Library: Schedule B Yearly Schedule Click Here COVID Update from the DO: Absences We are adhering to Education Code to excuse absences. A family keeping a student home because they are worried about COVID 19 needs to know that will not be an excused absence. There is no evidence of community transmission, we are not closing schools, therefore we are not allowed to excuse absences based on fear of contagion.  Public Health officials have assured us that if a student or staff

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 3.2.20

This week's staffroom "Kool and the Gang " Playlist  is being brought to you by Irma Salinas . Music:  If you haven't shared your music of choice yet, please click  HERE  to do so.  IN FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) Lunch Helpers for this week:  Mrs. Jackson's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. Library: Schedule A Yearly Schedule Click Here ELPAC:  Thank you Melissa and Kari for all your hard work planning for ELPAC. Maribel thank you for your flexibility and use of your library.  RAA:  Thank you to the RAA team for all of your hard work. This RAA event takes a lot to make it happen, so thank you so much! Trash:  We are continuing to experience some challenges with trash along the perimeter of the school and especially along the park fence. Please try to take your classe