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Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 10.21.19

Sometimes a work week be like...

This week's staffroom "Today's Pop" Playlist is being brought to you by Brittney Staiger

Music: If you haven't shared your music of choice yet, please click HERE to do so. 


(“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.)

Lunch Helpers for this week: Mrs. Kellogg's class. Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you.

Library: Schedule A (Check book fair library schedule)
Yearly Schedule Click Here

iPad App: Want to stop your iPad from autofocusing while you're mirroring to your TV? Download the IPEVO app and use it when projecting. It will blow your mind and save your eyes. 

Writing Resources: As you begin to end your first or being your second writing unit, please reference the RCSD ELA and ELD Site where you can find, under the Writing Essentials tab, the expected On Demand Writing Prompts for the pre and post assessments and Teacher Writing Rubrics for each genre.  

On the RCSD ELA and ELD Site you will also find the helpful Student Friendly Checklists for each writing genre and many other great resources.  

Paper: Please be mindful of your copies. We are only allowed a max order of 20 reams of paper a week. We are using ALL 20 reams. Please just double-check before you press print to prevent waste. Thank you. 

TP: Custodial staff will be placing extra TP in the staff bathroom and replenishing the extra stock as needed. We are purchasing some table tops to keep the TP off of the ground. Look for this change to take place over the next couple of weeks. 

Outside Lunch: In our continued quest to keep the outside clean when we have outside lunch, Rich will be pressure washing after every outside lunch. Please continue to talk with your kids about picking up trash at lunch. 

Trunk or Treat: If you're interested, please email Sarah to sign up to host a trunk. This is an amazing night of community building. If you're able to make it, looking forward to seeing you there. 

*Accident Reports: Sites are required to do accident reports when a child is suspected of being injured. The Bumps and Bruises documentation is separate.The accident reports are reviewed by our insurance company, SIG.  SIG reads our accident reports for trends, questions that may arise, and for information in case of further litigation. For example, if a child is pushed and hits his/her head on a pole. While Bumps and Bruises documentation needs to be filled out, so does an accident report. If the child does not show signs of concussion at school but is later brought to a doctor with an injury, we want to ensure that we have already signaled our insurance company. It does not look good when a family intends to sue us over an injury and contacts SIG that does not have a record of an injury.

*Academic Assessment: We DO NOT inform parents to write letters for academic assessment. We HAVE TO follow the MTSS process outlined by the district. 

*Lunch: We ask for continued flexibility and support as we transition to a new cashier and MDS in the barn. We will be looking for ideas and leveraging you to best support our kids during lunchtime. 

*Student ID Numbers: In order to help alleviate our congestion at the cashier at lunch, we will soon be implementing 2 keypads for students to type their ID numbers in. This will alleviate the challenge of any sub cashier not know students and teachers to input names. We have not received the keypads yet, but we will need to be ready. 

*PBIS Videos: Please sign up here for your class to participate in creating the correct behavior videos for PBIS. Please record and send to me. Please record them with your phones in the upright position.

Staff Meeting: 10.23.19 @ 7:30 Salinas Room #13

Custodial Night Cleaning: Below is the AB schedule for cleaning. The days flipflop weekly. I will work to include the schedule in each BLOG. To help with cleaning, please make sure chairs are stacked and large debris is picked up. This will ensure a cleanlier classroom. 

This week starts with B Schedule.

A Schedule (Rooms 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20)
B Schedule (Rooms 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28)
Nightly: Kinder rooms (7-9, 19)

Nightly: Kinder rooms (7-9, 19)
Schedule A: (Rooms 29, 31, 33, 35)
Schedule B: (Rooms 30, 32, 34)

*Please make sure to always double-check the live Google Calendar, as event may change.*


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