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Showing posts from December, 2017

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 12.18.17

Useful Links: OR TEAM Drive: Please visit our OR TEAM Drive for useful information. OR Yard Duty Schedule: Schedule PLC Monday Grade Level Agendas: 2017-18 OR PLC Agendas OR Site Collective Commitments/NORMS: Commitments Grade Level Collective Commitments: Grade-Level Commitments Playground Game Rules: Rules PTC Sign-ups: PTC Meetings. Please let me know if there are any changes. News from The Ranch BLOG: Click HERE OR Staff Weekly Bulletin BLOG: Click HERE INFORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) iReady/SMART Goals: Please bring your data and goals to our staff PLC meeting today @ 2:15. Thank you. Drills: We will be conducting, Fire, Lockdown and Duck and Cover Drills in January. Further information to come. Recess Lab: Click HERE for tricks to quiet down large groups. Next Year: We are already planning for enrollment and teaching positions for next year. Shortly, you will be receiving a

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 12.11.17

COMMENDATIONS: Crystal Lopes... Thank you for running to Cooley to get extra lunches for our 2nd graders on their field trip! Rene and Crystal for staying til after 4:30 with a couple of students. Karen T... Thank you for filling in and helping while Becki was out. Great seeing Chrissy, Melissa, Dana, Carli and Lori at the Tommy Apostles shopping event! Useful Links: OR TEAM Drive: Please visit our OR TEAM Drive for useful information. OR Yard Duty Schedule: Schedule PLC Monday Grade Level Agendas: 2017-18 OR PLC Agendas OR Site Collective Commitments/NORMS: Commitments Grade Level Collective Commitments: Grade-Level Commitments Playground Game Rules: Rules PTC Sign-ups: PTC Meetings. Please let me know if there are any changes. News from The Ranch BLOG: Click HERE OR Staff Weekly Bulletin BLOG: Click HERE INFORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) Recess Equipment: We are moving forwa

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 12.4.17

COMMENDATIONS: Great job working through your new to you duties this week! 15 more school days til break.  Love seeing our leadership kids taking responsibility for activities around the school! Great job! Useful Links: OR TEAM Drive: Please visit our OR TEAM Drive for useful information. OR Yard Duty Schedule: Schedule PLC Monday Grade Level Agendas: 2017-18 OR PLC Agendas OR Site Collective Commitments/NORMS: Commitments Grade Level Collective Commitments: Grade-Level Commitments Playground Game Rules: Rules PTC Sign-ups: PTC Meetings. Please let me know if there are any changes. News from The Ranch BLOG: Click HERE OR Staff Weekly Bulletin BLOG: Click HERE INFORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) Title 24: We are the first Title 24 compliant school in the district. This means we are on the cutting edge of energy savings technology and procedures. With that some some quirks w