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Showing posts from November, 2017

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 11.28.17

COMMENDATIONS: I couldn't be more proud of the hard work and time you all put in during conference week. Thank you so much! Congratulations to our newlyweds!!! Jenny Jackson Bethany Fletcher Megan Spears Dana Sauer Thank you to Rich, Chrissy, Mike and those who turned up and helped at movie night! Useful Links: OR TEAM Drive: Please visit our OR TEAM Drive for useful information. OR Yard Duty Schedule: Schedule PLC Monday Grade Level Agendas: 2017-18 OR PLC Agendas OR Site Collective Commitments/NORMS: Commitments Grade Level Collective Commitments: Grade-Level Commitments Playground Game Rules: Rules PTC Sign-ups: PTC Meetings. Please let me know if there are any changes. News from The Ranch BLOG: Click HERE OR Staff Weekly Bulletin BLOG: Click HERE INFORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) Trimeste

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 11.13.17

Week of November 13th, 2017 COMMENDATIONS: Thank you for contributing to the board in the staffroom. We appreciate your input! If you haven't already, please take a look and any additions you feel would be beneficial. We've survived the first Trimester! Great job, Broncos! Useful Links: OR Yard Duty Schedule: Schedule PLC Monday Grade Level Agendas: 2017-18 OR PLC Agendas OR Site Collective Commitments/NORMS: Commitments Grade Level Collective Commitments: Grade-Level Commitments Playground Game Rules: Rules PTC Sign-ups: PTC Meetings. Please let me know if there are any changes. News from The Ranch BLOG: Click HERE OR Staff Weekly Bulletin BLOG: Click HERE Miss Handby challenging her kids with sight words! INFORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) Conference Week Schedule: Please continue to follow regular yard duty schedules for this week.  Conference Lunch:  Kinderga

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 11.6.17

Week of November 6th, 2017 COMMENDATIONS: Thank you for ALWAYS being willing to step in where help is needed! That doesn't happen everywhere! Thank you all for our transparent conversations during the PD Day! Useful Links: PLC Monday Grade Level Agendas: 2017-18 OR PLC Agendas OR Site Collective Commitments/NORMS: Commitments Grade Level Collective Commitments: Grade-Level Commitments Playground Game Rules: Rules PTC Sign-ups: PTC Meetings. Please let me if there are any changes. News from The Ranch BLOG: Click HERE OR Staff Weekly Bulletin BLOG: Click HERE INFORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) PTC Meeting: PTC meeting Monday, 11/6 @ 6:30. Teachers attending are Hanby and Wilke. Thank you. Conferences: Just in case I don't get a chance to tell you in person, this is our FIRST conference week. This sets the precedent for how OR parents feel when talked to about their child.