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Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 1.29.24


Library: Track B

iReady Window: Now Closed

PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. PLC ends at 2:20

Lockdown Drill: January 29th @ 8:45
  • Locks
  • Lights
  • Out of Sight
  • Take Roll on Raptor

Staff meeting: 2.8.24 @ 2:25 in the staffroom

Evacuate Survey: Click HERE

*Workroom etiquette/Laminator: Please REMIND parent volunteers that are helping to make copies. We want to make sure that if a staff member needs a copy machine, please let them cut in to do their job. Not all teachers have a parent helper so this lets them make copies during prep time. Thank you so much. 

Our wonderful aides, Lisa and Brandy, have also offered to be our laminators. A box has been put near the laminator for you to drop off anything that needs to laminated. Lisa and Brandy will get to the lamination when they have a chance (most likely on Wednesdays). Please make sure to put a sticky with your name on your project so it gets returned to you.

*Smart Devices and Watches: These devices are to remain off or unused while at school. Please put the below message in your weekly newsletters. The office will also be sending out information in the next News from the Ranch.  FYI First offense... warning. Second offense... communicate policy with parents respectfully and seek to understand. Third offense... device is taken away and can pick up after school with parent communication.

MESSAGE TO FAMILIES: Though smart watches and devices are very convenient ways to communicate with your kids, they pose safety issues while at school. Devices should be on silent, remain off and/or put away while at school. Once school is over, they are allowed to turn them back on. Watches that remain unused can remain on the student's wrist. Any device being used during school will be given to the office. Students will be able to pick up the device after school. Thank you for your help.

*MDS Liaison: If you have a high flier or need to notify MDS about a student/behavior to look out for, Allison Van Leeuwen offered to be our teacher-MDS liaison. You can reach her via Voxer.

**Please remember to check the LIVE Google Calendar as dates/times are subject to change.


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