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Showing posts from August, 2023

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 8.28.23

(* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. RtI ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill:  N/A District Leadership Meeting: N/A Josh out:  I will be moving our daughter back to college on August 29th-31st.  *CLOROX:  No Clorox or Lysol is allowed in classrooms to clean. Mixed with the wrong cleaners it can create a toxic gas. Library: Social Studies just arrived, so it will be out to you ASAP.  Walking the Line:  We haven't forgot about this. We have a couple questions to ask you at the next staff meeting.  Westpark volunteers: Be on the look out for an email about the Westpark Football players coming to volunteer. Umbrellas:   Please remember to open and close umbrellas Hot Temps: Remind families about hats and water. Regular water breaks are encouraged. Drop off/Pick up: Please include in your weekly emails reminding families about patience before and after school and to watch out for

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 8.21.23

  (* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: PLC Wednesday: Meet in Staffroom @ 1:25 to discuss RtI Evacuation Drill:  N/A District Leadership Meeting: Josh and Richard at leadership on Wednesday 8/23 Lunch Numbers:  Please continue to work with you kids on their lunch numbers.   CLOROX:  No Clorox or Lysol is allowed in classrooms to clean. Mixed with the wrong cleaners it can create a toxic gas. PTC: Membership drive is starting this week.   Library:  Class Library times will begin Tuesday, September 5th.  The Library will be open Tuesday/ Thursday during recess to exchange books too. Chromebook check out will begin next week.   K- 2nd, Sierra will come to you to check out.  3rd-5th, please reach out to Sierra to schedule a time to come to the library for check out.   Social Studies is expected to arrive next week.  As soon as Sierra gets confirmation on the delivery date, she will let you know. *Language Line:  Please use the langua

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 8.14.23

  (* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: PLC Wednesday: Meet in Staffroom @ 1:25 to discuss RtI Evacuation Drill: 8/17/23 @ 9:00am Evacuation Map Walkies: We are now on Channel 2 Voxer first Phone or walkie next Bring walkie to duty and drills. Turn off in class. Extra Supplies: If you have extra supplies, please DO NOT put them in the staffroom. Take a picture, email or vox it out and have whoever wants it come pick it up from your classroom. Front Drop Off Practice:   Please practice with you kids the appropriate area to wait in the front. DO NOT go past the purple cones to get into your car. Must stay by the flag pole area. Summer reimbursement: If you made a summer purchase for your classroom, we will reimburse you up to $100. Please have reimbursement form completed by August 31st.  Lunch time: Please continue to walk you kids to their tables in the lunchroom. We can't even explain how much that has helped. Seeing the in