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Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 1.4.24

  Library:  Track A iReady Window: Opens December 4th through January 28th . See Becki if you need any help. PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. PLC ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill: January TBD PD Day:  1/4/24   Eich Doors open at 7:15am, we start at 8am in the Gym 8:00-8:10 Coffee and treats in the Gym 8:15-8:30 Opening message from Derk in the Gym 8:40-9:30 Session 1 9:40-10:30 Session 2 10:40-11:30 Session 3 Lunch 11:30-1:00 Drive Time/Lunch Site 1:00-3:00 PLC Work- This will be your time with your PLC to prepare for a successful start to the 2nd half of the year. Ideas for this time can include sharing what you learned in the morning sessions, applying any new learning, or planning next steps from what you learned from PD Cycle 1. 1/5/24 @ OR 8am in the Barn - We will be going or Restorative Practice 11:30 - 12:30 Catered Lunch 12:30 - 3:00 PLC Work. Review pacing guide. Update as needed. Fire Inspection: The Fire Department will be at OR during the winter break

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 12.18.23

  Library:  Track B iReady Window: Opens December 4th through January 28th . See Becki if you need any help. PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. PLC ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill: January TBD Fire Inspection: The Fire Department will be at OR during the winter break to perform the annual Fire Inspection. Please make sure to read the email for classroom safety details. Nothing on doors Please have Christmas decor/power cords cleaned up by break. Nothing hanging from the ceiling Only have district approved power strips showing Staff meeting: 1.11.24 @ 2:25 in the staffroom HVAC Work: They said we were the nicest school they've been to. Thank you, Broncos! Open House:   The new board meeting dates are out. They do NOT conflict with our Open House. We will still have our Open House on 4.25.24 from 5-7PM **Please remember to check the LIVE Google Calendar as dates/times are subject to change.

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 12.11.23

  * Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: Library:  Track A iReady Window: Opens December 4th through January 28th . See Becki if you need any help. PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. PLC ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill:  12.15 .23   @ 10:00am ( Note time change ) West Park Students: Their visits have come to an end for the year. Staff meeting: 12.14.23 @ 2:25 in the staffroom HVAC Work:  Circo Company will be  working  at our site on the HVAC equipment. They will most likely start Tuesday Dec 12th. If we have any classrooms with sensitive students please provide me the room numbers to them so they can  work  them into the schedule to be done before school starts or after it ends. They will be onsite approximately 2-5 days. They will need access to all the classrooms and roofs. They will need to be in the classrooms for about 15 minutes each and they will try to  work  in the Classrooms when the kids are at reces

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 12.4.23

  * Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: Library:  Track B iReady Window: Opens December 4th through January 28th . See Becki if you need any help. PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. PLC ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill:  12.15 .23   @ 10:30am West Park Students: Their visits have come to an end for the year. Staff meeting: 12.14.23 @ 2:25 in the staffroom Traditions: Our traditions are important. Please be intentional with exploring your students traditions during this time of year to help them feel proud and included. Please be purposeful in communicating with you parents the traditions/celebrations of your class. Keep a Routine: Keeping a routine and schedule until break will help with behaviors and expectations. Reminder: Not every student looks forward to being home for the holidays. Home means different things to different kids. This may cause a spike in behaviors. Expectations: When we return from brea

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 11.27.23

  * Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: Library:  Track A PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. PLC ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill:  11.29 .23   @ 8:30pm West Park Students: Their visits have come to an end for the year. Staff meeting: 11.30.23 @ 2:25 in the staffroom **Please remember to check the LIVE Google Calendar as dates/times are subject to change.

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 11.13.23

  * Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: Library:  Closed during confence week. PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. PLC ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill:  11.29 .23   @ 8:30pm West Park Students: Their visits have come to an end for the year. Staff meeting: 11.30.23 @ 2:25 in the staffroom Conference Reminders Teachers are only expected to hold one family conference during Conference Week. If parents/guardians are not together and request separate meetings, please work to find a solution to ensure one conference.  Teachers are expected to stay on campus for conferences, even if a conference is on Zoom. If you need an interpreter for another language besides Spanish, please work with your clerical to submit a Request for an Interpreter as soon as possible.  No surprises: This is your time to truthfully inform families of progress. There shouldn't be any surprises. Also, PLEASE DO NOT TELL FAMILIES TO REQUEST

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 11.6.23

  * Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: Library:  Track B  PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. PLC ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill:  11.29 .23   @ 8:30pm West Park Students: Their visits have come to an end for the year. Staff meeting: 11.30.23 @ 2:25 in the staffroom Conference Reminders Teachers are only expected to hold one family conference during Conference Week. If parents/guardians are not together and request separate meetings, please work to find a solution to ensure one conference.  Teachers are expected to stay on campus for conferences, even if a conference is on Zoom. If you need an interpreter for another language besides Spanish, please work with your clerical to submit a Request for an Interpreter as soon as possible.  PD Survey: A reminder to please complete the October 30, 2023 Professional Development feedback form by Monday, November 6th if you have not done so already.  We appreciate your

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 10.30.23

  * Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: Library:  Track A  PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. PLC ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill:  11.29 .23   @ 8:30pm Westpark Students: Will be on campus Tuesday TBD at 8:40-9:40. Staff meeting: 11.30.23 @ 2:25 in the staffroom PD Days: AGENDA Potluck: CLICK HERE to sign up for the potluck on the 31st. PD Dress up Day: 10.31.23 Halloween costume dress up day!!! **Please remember to check the LIVE Google Calendar as dates/times are subject to change.

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 10.23.23

  * Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: Library:  Track B  PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. PLC ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill:  11.29 .23   @ 8:30pm Westpark Students: Will be on campus Tuesday the 24th at 8:40-9:40. Staff meeting: 11.30.23 @ 2:25 in the staffroom Volunteer Reminder: As class parties ramp up, please fill out this form so the office can prepare for your volunteers and attendees. Please make sure if you have over 5 volunteers, you have a trusted volunteer to sign in guests. CLICK HERE *DTM Sign up: At the beginning of the year it was mentioned that grade levels invite Josh, Richard and me to a DTM during your PLC. Please talk with your grade level teams and find a PLC where we can join you for your DTM meeting. CLICK HERE *Library Books: We have a small selection of graphic novels in your library.  Our goal is for students to engage and love to read whether that is a novel, graphic novel, n