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Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 12.19.22

(* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.


PLC Wednesday: N/A

Library: No scheduled classes this week. If you have students that need to exchange books, please let Sierra know. She will be open throughout the day. If there are any chromebooks that need repairing, next week would be perfect to switch them out as she will be doing inventory.

Custodial Schedule: 

Fire Drill: 12/20 @ 9AM

Holiday Cookie Contest (12/20): Don't forget Click HERE to sign up. Thanks Rene for organizing and putting this together!

Staff Meeting: NA

WPHS Students: They will return in 2023

*TOSA Tips: As most of you know, we are starting to see behavior challenges pop up now that we are about midyear. I’ve been reading a lot of articles from Responsive Classroom and here are some ways to address those behavior challenges:

#1 be introspective~ ask yourself these questions: how often did I model expected behavior? Is there a better way to meet the needs of my students? Am I using my Morning Meeting time to have purposeful conversations? Have I been revisiting the rules regularly? 

#2 Use logical consequences~ this is a great way to address misbehaviors the moment they occur in a way that balances empathy for the student and accountability for the student’s actions. There is an article called “Responding to Misbehavior with Empathy” that might help. 

#3 Teach/Reteach self-regulation skills~ One thing that works great is giving a student the space and time to work through their feelings. Here is an article with more information: “Time-Out & Teaching Self-Regulation and “Time-Out: Early, Often, and for Everyone

#4 Collaborate with Students on Solutions~ Your response to behavior issues that pop up throughout the year will be most powerful when students have a voice in how the situation is handled. Here an article with more information: “Approaching Discipline with Compassion”

#5 Factor in Developmental Changes~ In order to maintain a positive learning community, you need to both educate yourself on the developmental characteristics common to the age range you teach and actively adapt to developmental changes you can expect from your students. If you go to the Responsive classroom and search for the Yardsticks series, you’ll find an article for all of the ages. 

I know this is a lot to read, but what we are seeing is a normal part of the rhythm of a school year, but I wanted to give you a little bit about what I’ve been reading lately to hopefully help you all out at this midyear point. All of my information came from this article: Ways to Address Common Behavior Challenges That Pop Up Midyear

*Second Step: December is a good time for classes to catch up. The time before break is always a challenge, because we don't want to start new concepts and we're trying to fill time. Please make sure you continue working on Second Step. 

*Raptor: When taking attendance, DO NOT click select all unless ALL students are present. Once this is done you can't change it. Please make sure you click students individually for the most accurate information. Thank you. 


Bagel Bar(12/19): PTC is hosting a bagel bar for all staff this Monday!

PTC Meeting(1/17): Thank you Megan Burger and Christine Nelson for attending the December meeting. Our next general meeting is on Tuesday, January 17th at 4:30pm. If you can attend a meeting, please sign up here. We hope you can join us!

Events: Check out upcoming events and our year at a glance HERE.

Holiday Cookie Contest(12/20): Rene is putting together an Orchard Ranch Holiday Cookie Contest. Yummy! Click HERE to sign up. Thanks Rene for organizing and putting this together!

Baby Rincon Shower: Thank you to all who participated in Baby Rincon's shower! Rene was less than one inch off on Melissa's circumference. Second time in a row!! Now we wait to see when baby is going to make its appearance. Can't wait to see if it's a boy or girl!

**Please remember to check the LIVE Google Calendar as dates/times are subject to change.


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