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Showing posts from August, 2022

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 8.29.22

(* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: PLC Wednesday: Meet in classrooms. Library:   Track A Starts on 9/6 Custodial Schedule:   Track A  starting Monday  NEW Blog tabs:  If you look to the top of the blog, we have now included tabs for our regularly used information. The BDR has been updated as well as psych support. If you have questions for Lyndsie, please use this form so she can follow up with you. Hope they help! Walk to learn : This will start, if you haven't already, by 9/6. Drill:  Great job! We had 0 doors left open and completed the drill in 5 min. We will look to improve that time as we get more comfortable with Raptor and fix the technical difficulties. Adventure Club:  Adventure club is getting ready to start pre-school. There are going to be IAs in the office helping some of their kids with toileting. They will be using the bathrooms between Room #7 & #8.  *Second Step:   This should be all working, please be

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 8.22.22

(* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: PLC Wednesday: Meet in classrooms. Library:   Track A Starts on 9/6 Custodial Schedule:   Track B starting Monday  News from the Ranch: Click HERE for The News from the Ranch Newsletter Volunteers: Volunteers can start coming in on 8/22 and be in your class. Please make sure they complete the volunteer information and turn it in to the office. They must be cleared BEFORE they can volunteer. Please talk with your PLCs about when your volunteers are coming in. We would like to avoid too many people in the work room.    PTC Corner: Staff Favorites:  Thank you to everyone who filled out the staff favorites sheet. PTC added a column for Amazon Wishlist links. If you have one for your class, please add it on  THIS  sheet. Thank you! Membership Update:  The membership drive ends on the 30th of this month. Families can sign up online at . Each family who signs up will get

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 8.15.22

 What an amazing week! Thank you for ALL of your hard work!!!! Enjoy your weekend!! ! (* Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) BDR: Click HERE Request for Support: Click HERE SSP Link: Click here to view the process Link & start paperwork PBIS Help: Click FORM for support. PLC Wednesday: Click HERE for Grade Level Agendas Bronco Blast FORM:  Click  HERE  for the BBF. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: PLC Wednesday: We will see you in the barn at 1:10 for PLC. Library:  Sierra will be working on getting you a schedule soon.   Custodial Schedule:  Still being built. There are some slight changes to days. You will have the cleaning schedule this week.  COVID Requirments: If you have not shown Josh your vaccination card, please do so ASAP.  If you are NOT vaccinated, please take self tests on Sunday and complete the self-attestation steps in powerschool, weekly. CLICK HERE for the steps.   PE/Music:  Begins on Monday. Please double check schedule for change