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Showing posts from December, 2020

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 1.4.21

  Staff Member Spotlight                     Eric Halseth Binge Watch:  The Last Dance Saying:  The world is more exciting if you don't do everything the right way. Music : Stick Figure Music & Bing Watch:   If you haven't shared your music and binge watching recommendations yet, please click  HERE  to do so.  IN FORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) PBIS Help: Click FORM for support Staff PD: Monday, January 4th: Zoom Link @ 9am on site. Reteaching when we return: Remember this week is to reconnect with your kids. We are still playing the relationship game, as well as the training game. Please take the time to review expectations, then jump into academics. Instructional Aide PD: IA should work their regular hours on the PD day.  They can participate in work/training at your site, complete the Public School Works courses, or a combination to fulfill their hours  Click Here for PD Options *Bumps and Blows: It's c

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 12.14.20

  We're almost to break! Staff Member Spotlight Lyndsie Bogovich Binge Watch:  Greys Anatomy and The Office (over and over and over) Saying:  Worrying doesn't do anything but take away the peace of today! Music : Taylor Swift (music) My Favorite Murder (podcast) & also this crazy metal music that hurts your ears. Music & Bing Watch:   If you haven't shared your music and binge watching recommendations yet, please click  HERE  to do so.  IN FORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) Singing in Class:   Singing, chanting, shouting, cheering, physical exertion, and similar activities significantly increase the risk of COVID-19 transmission because these activities increase the release of respiratory droplets and fine aerosols into the air. Therefore, these activities should not be occurring in our classrooms. Holiday Song: Cancelled because of COVID Droplets. OR Holiday Pictures:  We will be taking a picture with a sig

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 12.0

  Staff Member Spotlight Melissa Hanby Binge Watch:  The good place, handmaids tale, selling sunset Saying:  " Kirstin Wallingford at Kaseberg told me during my student teaching to find or be a marigold. She said that is someone who supports you and lets you vent, laugh, cry, but keeps negativity out and encourages you to keep going. Unlike a marigold, the walnut tree poisons everything around it and tries to bring it down. Don't be a walnut tree! " Music :  Queen/90's & 00's hip hop/country Music & Bing Watch:   If you haven't shared your music and binge watching recommendations yet, please click  HERE  to do so.  IN FORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) Holiday Song: If you haven't signed up for a song and want too, please let me know. This included Champion Teachers. More information will be coming to you this week. Independent Study Contracts: Independent Study contracts will no longer be