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Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 12.17.18

(“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.)

This week's staffroom Holiday music playlist is being brought to you by the HOLIDAYS!

Lunch Helpers for this week: Miss Kellogg's class. Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you.

District Curriculum Inventory: Thank you for signing up for a time for Heidi to come scan your curriculum in your classrooms. She will be coming back out over break. Please have your leveled readers out, or a note where she can find your leveled readers. They do NOT have to be organized.

Holiday Decorations: Please have all of your holiday decorations down and away for our fire inspection prior to leaving for vacation. Thank you. If you have questions about your room, please ask Josh or Rich. It's very important that we do what the fire department requires during inspection.
  • Please remove any paper or objects hanging from the ceiling, doors, and windows.  
  • Please remove all light duty extension cords (white, brown, orange), as we'll inspect and remove any damaged extension cords (frayed, exposed wires, etc.).  
  • Please do connect multiple extension cords together and/or plug the cords into a surge protector.  All extension cords should be surge protected.  
  • Please have all fire extinguishers hung, inspected, and have a unobstructed path of travel to the extinguisher.  
  • Please limit the wall covering to a maximum of 60% of the entire classroom.  
  • Please have evacuation map and plans next to all exits.  
  • Please have all fire risers free of obstruction.  
  • Please do not stack material and/or boxes no closer than 18" from the ceiling. 
  • Please make sure all Holiday decorations (i.e. trees, wreathes, lights) are removed before you leave for break.
  • Clear paths through doorways. No obstructions that may limit passageways

Choir: Ms. Poe... The choir performance was amazing. Thank you.

Staff Christmas Campfire: Thank you Sparklers and Crystal for working so hard to make our gathering a success. We appreciate your contribution to making OR so wonderful.

Luncheon: Thank you, MDS, for the yummy soups. It was perfect!!!!

*School Tours: We are at that time of year where I'll be giving tours on Friday around 1:30. Thank you in advance as I walk future Broncos through your amazing classes.

*Independent Study: Reminder of Independent Study contract rules:

1) All signatures must be dated, and the date of each signature must indicate that it was obtained no later than the beginning date of the contract.

2) The teacher, parent, administrator and child all must sign. If the child is too young to sign, have them make a mark of some kind on the signature line.
  • Please remove any paper or objects hanging from the ceiling, doors, and windows.  
  • Please remove all light duty extension cords (white, brown, orange), as we'll inspect and remove any damaged extension cords (frayed, exposed wires, etc.).  
  • Please do connect multiple extension cords together and/or plug the cords into a surge protector.  All extension cords should be surge protected.  
  • Please have all fire extinguishers hung, inspected, and have a unobstructed path of travel to the extinguisher.  
  • Please limit the wall covering to a maximum of 60% of the entire classroom.  
  • Please have evacuation map and plans next to all exits.  
  • Please have all fire risers free of obstruction.  
  • Please do not stack material and/or boxes no closer than 18" from the ceiling. 
  • Please make sure all Holiday decorations (i.e. trees, wreathes, lights) are removed before you leave for break.
  • Clear paths through doorways. No obstructions that may limit passageways. 
3) All contracts must be at least five days in length. If the child returns less than five days of work, the days for which work was not completed does not count as ADA.

4) If the student returns prior to the end of the contract, office personnel should make a note in a blank area of the contract of the date, with their initial. Do not scratch out or change dates. As long as the student was out for at least five days, the contract is still valid for attendance purposes.

5) Power School must reflect actual days of absence and be appropriately coded.

6) Contracts that do not reach five days because of school closure on November 16 will be honored, although November 16 is not to be recorded as a day of attendance.

*Money Reminder: ALL MONIES being collected for various fundraisers and field trips need to be turned into the office so that those funds can be sent to the Business Office before you all go out for Winter Break.  

No checks or cash should be held in any classroom at any time.

*Digital Literacy Lesson: Please remember that staff to be using digital literacy lessons (5 lessons) Digital Literacy Lessons
Note: Dates may change. Please continue to double-check the google calendar to confirm dates. 


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