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Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 10.1.18

Totally me right now!!!!

Useful Links:
Orchard Ranch Bronco intranet website.  Click HERE

(“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.)

This week's staffroom country music playlist is being brought to you by Chrissy McClain!

Lunch Helpers for this week: Mrs. Boone's class. Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you.

Online BDR: The PBIS team has been working on an online Bronco Discipline Referral (BDR). It is now available below. Please save it as a bookmark on your computer and/or on your phone. The hope is that this is easier to complete and allows us to better track behavior data. I'm also attaching the Rainbow Behavior Chart that helps define different levels of behavior. This is a work in progress. We will be tweaking as we go. 

BDR Form
Rainbow Chart

Benchmark: Thank you for completing the doc informing me of your benchmark times. This will help me better understand how benchmark is being used in your classrooms. The schools that made the largest growth have used benchmark diligently. My goal is to figure out how we can use it effectively/efficiently/appropriately for us at OR. 

Walk to School Day: 10/10 is International Walk to School Day. We would like to continue the tradition of walking with our students from some nearby meeting points surrounding the school. More information and sign-ups to come.

Lock Doors: We have had students entering classes without adults in them. For the safety of our students and your property, please keep your door locked at all times. Undo the lock block when you leave and please have your keys with you at all times. Thank you. 

Litter & bathrooms: We are seeing an increase in site litter and inappropriate bathroom usage. Please take a few minutes to go over bathroom epectations found in the PBIS lesson plans and talk with them about pride in keeping our new school litter free. MDS will also discuss this in the barn.

Staff meeting: We will have a staff meeting 10/3/18 @ 7:40. Crystal Courtright will be leading the meeting and presenting about child suicide and what to watch out for.

*Fall Celebrations: The district is guiding all schools away from traditional "age old" celebrations. For example, this year, our kindergarten is doing a "Friendship Feast" not a Thanksgiving Feast with Pilgrims and Indians. This idea is to cross over to other celebrations as well. We will talk about other ideas as we progress through the year.

*Halloween: We will NOT be dressing up on Halloween. Our after school "Trunk or Treat" will allow our families and students to dress up. 

*Ordering: Thank you for your patience, as it relates to ordering. We've had to and continue to order a lot of items as we grow. We start with the most crucial and then work our way down. We are still trying to get furniture delivered for our portables. As things arrive, we start working our way down the list to ensure proper placement and fiscal availability. Please also keep in mind that sometimes it takes weeks to receive items. The process is time consuming, so thank you for your flexibility. 

*After School Bus Riders: To help entertain our bus riders, I'm fine with you taking them to the kinder play structure to play on as they wait. Playing in the field can also work, but you may need another option during the rainy/wet season. Thank for continuing to brainstorm.

Note: Dates may change. Please continue to double-check the google calendar to confirm dates.


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