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Showing posts from October, 2018

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 10.29.18

INFORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) This week's staffroom  Dave Matthew's Band music playlist  is being brought to you by  Jenny Boone ! Lunch Helpers for this week:  Miss Kellogg's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. Math visit: Michael Nordlin will be coming out sometime this week to observe math lessons it's use at OR. Culture Club Update: Leaders are going back to their grade levels and talking about what we should celebrate and how to celebrate as a site to help our brainstorming process. Leaders will then return to club meeting with information. This will take some time to work out. In the meantime, bring ideas and share successes. Playground: The line is painted, but I want to clarify the expectation before we implement the changes. Notification will go out AS

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 10.22.18

Useful Links: Orchard Ranch Bronco intranet website.   Click HERE INFORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) This week's staffroom  British Invasion music playlist  is being brought to you by  Cara Chandler ! Lunch Helpers for this week:  Mrs. Spears's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. Benchmark visit: Melissa Duncan will be coming out sometime this week to help me better understand benchmark and it's usage at OR. Question of the week: How do we celebrate growth with our kids, both academically and behaviorally? Please be thinking about this as we prepare to inform families of progress. This will be visited by Culture Club this week. PD Day: 11/1 - 1/2 AM day at Eich & 1/2 PM day onsite for PLC work. 11/2 - 1/2 AM day on site for Restorative Justice Presentatio

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 10.15.18

Useful Links: Orchard Ranch Bronco intranet website.   Click HERE INFORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) This week's staffroom  Tom Petty music playlist  is being brought to you by  Marisa Nordlin ! Lunch Helpers for this week:  Mrs. Chandler's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. Playground:  Culture club met and we will begin implementing a few changes over the next few weeks. Thank you for you support as we figure out these needs.  The "Walk the Line" line is now around the basketball courts. This will simplify monitoring. A line will be painted separating upper and primary at recess. Areas will be designated after the line is painted. Positivity Thought of the Week: The strength of OR is how we treat/celebrate/RESPECT each other and our kids. We celebrate each ot

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 10.8.18

Useful Links: Orchard Ranch Bronco intranet website.   Click HERE INFORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) This week's staffroom  50's music playlist  is being brought to you by  Bethany Fletcher ! Lunch Helpers for this week:  Mr. Richmond's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. Walking in the AM: This week, we would appreciate any time you can give to coming out and helping guide students to walking in the circle before the start of school. We are having a lot of students running and hanging out by classrooms. There's too many kids for running. Thank you.  Homework Policy: Please remember, at the start of last year we decided that we are a flexible homework school. Homework is not required or turned in for a grade. Nightly reading is encouraged. I'm having a lot of paren

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 10.1.18

Totally me right now!!!! Useful Links: Orchard Ranch Bronco intranet website.   Click HERE INFORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) This week's staffroom  country music playlist  is being brought to you by  Chrissy McClain ! Lunch Helpers for this week:  Mrs. Boone's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. Online BDR: The PBIS team has been working on an online Bronco Discipline Referral (BDR). It is now available below. Please save it as a bookmark on your computer and/or on your phone. The hope is that this is easier to complete and allows us to better track behavior data. I'm also attaching the Rainbow Behavior Chart that helps define different levels of behavior. This is a work in progress. We will be tweaking as we go.   BDR Form Rainbow Chart Benchmark: Thank you for completing t