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Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 12.17.18

N FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) This week's staffroom  Holiday  music playlist  is being brought to you by  the HOLIDAYS ! Lunch Helpers for this week:  Miss Kellogg's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. District Curriculum Inventory: Thank you for signing up for a time for Heidi to come scan your curriculum in your classrooms. She will be coming back out over break. Please have your leveled readers out, or a note where she can find your leveled readers. They do NOT have to be organized. Holiday Decorations: Please have all of your holiday decorations down and away for our fire inspection prior to leaving for vacation. Thank you. If you have questions about your room, please ask Josh or Rich. It's very important that we do what the fire department requires during inspe

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 12.10.18

IN FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) This week's staffroom  Holiday  music playlist  is being brought to you by  the HOLIDAYS ! Lunch Helpers for this week:  Mrs. Spear's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. PBIS Meeting: Please see email clarifying recess needs/procedures. School Tours: We are at that time of year where I'll be giving tours on Friday around 1:30. Thank you in advance as I walk future Broncos through your amazing classes. Independent Study: Reminder of Independent Study contract rules: 1) All signatures must be dated, and the date of each signature must indicate that it was obtained no later than the beginning date of the contract. 2) The teacher, parent, administrator and child all must sign. If the child is too young to sign, have them make a mark of some

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 12.3.18

  IN FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) This week's staffroom  Backstreet Boys  music playlist  is being brought to you by  Megan Spears ! Lunch Helpers for this week:  Mrs. Chandler's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. Culture Club Meeting: 12/4 @ 7:40. DO Leadership: Josh will be at the DO all day on 12/4. Pictures: Remember to keep pictures coming to the office. We use these amazing pics for our end of year slide show.   Epi Pen Training: EpiPen training at our December 12th staff meeting. Extra Recess: Please keep extra recess time to 10-15 minutes as it impacts our instructional minutes. If you are doing a special event outside that requires more time, please let me know. Upper Grade Playground Equipment: Upper grade monkey bars have been lowered

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 11.26.18

  IN FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) This week's staffroom  Snow Patrol  music playlist  is being brought to you by  Jenn Turner ! Lunch Helpers for this week:  Mr. Richmond's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. Staff Meeting: 11/28 @ 7:40. Holiday Sing: Here are Christmas Carols to practice with your class over the next few weeks. On 12/21 @ 9:30, if you want, you can meet in the barn and we will sing them together. This is optional. Attached here are the songs Christmas Carols . Fire Inspection: It's time for our yearly fire inspection on 12/27. Remember, we have to do what they require for the time of inspection. Thank you for your flexibility. I will be sharing the email that has the guidelines for the inspection. SSC Council: Meeting @ 3:15 in the staffroom.

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 11.12.18

Almost time!!!!! IN FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) This week's staffroom  Brett Eldredge  music playlist  is being brought to you by  Stephanie Potter ! Lunch Helpers for this week:  Mrs. Jackson's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. Conferences: GREAT JOB during conference week! I know it's a lot of work, but our families really appreciate your hard work around returning their kids a little better than when they were dropped off! Lunch Craziness: Thank you for your flexibility. You were all a HUGE help! Special thank you to the lunch team and Rich for helping out so much! Playground: The results are in... Grades 3-5 will have field access every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Thank you for your input. This starts immediately, please talk with your classes about it before

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 11.5.18

Mandy needing some fidget time during the PD. IN FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) This week's staffroom  James Taylor music playlist  is being brought to you by  Julie Liberator ! Lunch Helpers for this week:  Mrs. Jackson's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. Elections: We're trying to work with the elections people about time/place/etc. It's getting crazy. Thank you for your patience as we try and work with them. Our apologies if we aren't as available. It's possible that it's going to affect lunch on 11/6. Lunch Craziness: Lunch this week is going to be very different. Kindergarten will be getting lunch first. Currently the plan is to have them eat in the barn, then go back to class. Then at 12:15 the rest of the school will go to lunch. Please walk your

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 10.29.18

INFORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) This week's staffroom  Dave Matthew's Band music playlist  is being brought to you by  Jenny Boone ! Lunch Helpers for this week:  Miss Kellogg's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. Math visit: Michael Nordlin will be coming out sometime this week to observe math lessons it's use at OR. Culture Club Update: Leaders are going back to their grade levels and talking about what we should celebrate and how to celebrate as a site to help our brainstorming process. Leaders will then return to club meeting with information. This will take some time to work out. In the meantime, bring ideas and share successes. Playground: The line is painted, but I want to clarify the expectation before we implement the changes. Notification will go out AS