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Showing posts from February, 2024

Orchard Ranch Blog 2.26.24

  Orchard Ranch Blog 2.26.24 Library:   Glow Party PLC Wednesday:  No PLC on 2.28 due to optional spring conference day. Staff Meeting: 3.7.24 @ 2:25 in the staffroom Report Cards: The front office will be emailing report cards home on March 1st for all grades. If individual teachers want to print and send their report cards home, they are welcome to do so, but it is not required.  Read Across America: Thank you to the RAA team for all your hard work for the awesome RAA week coming up.  *PBIS/Behavior Forms:   We have been slowly implementing changes in The Barn to help it run smoother. We are focusing on having students remain seated and waiting to throw their trash away in the last 5 minutes of lunch, as the trash cans are rolled around. If you could please review these two items with your class, the MDS team would greatly appreciate it! *Classroom Schedules:  If you haven't already, please put a copy of you classroom weekly schedule in this folder.  CLICK HERE . Be sure to in

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 2.20.24

  Library:  Track A PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. PLC ends at 2:20. No PLC on 2.28 due to optional spring conference day. Evacuation Drill: TBD Please fill out this form in regards to the drill today Secure Drill: February 20th @ 8:45am Get inside Lock outside doors Staff meeting: 2.22.24 @ 2:25 in the staffroom PBIS/Behavior Forms:   We have been slowly implementing changes in The Barn to help it run smoother. We are focusing on having students remain seated and waiting to throw their trash away in the last 5 minutes of lunch, as the trash cans are rolled around. If you could please review these two items with your class, the MDS team would greatly appreciate it! Internalizing behaviors form Behavior Resources Request form *Classroom Schedules:  If you haven't already, please put a copy of you classroom weekly schedule in this folder.  CLICK HERE . Be sure to include... Math Block ELA Block Extra PE (If applicable) RtI Time Monday through Friday Specia

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 2.13.24

  Library:  Track B iReady Window: Now Closed PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. PLC ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill: February 16th @ 9:30 Secure Drill: February 20th @ 8:45 Get inside Lock outside doors Staff meeting: 2.22.24 @ 2:25 in the staffroom Classroom Schedules: If you haven't already, please put a copy of you classroom weekly schedule in this folder. CLICK HERE . Be sure to include... Math Block ELA Block Extra PE (If applicable) RtI Time Monday through Friday Specials PBIS/Behavior Forms:   Internalizing behaviors form Behavior Resources Request form *BDR:  Please make sure that an admin is notified if you are marking "administrator" on the BDR. Also, please list the administrator who handled it in the notes.   *Accident Reports:   Please remember to send students up with an accident report or ASAP. The details get muddled as the sit in the office.  *Put up chairs daily:  Please stack chairs daily, so allow best access to the cleaning the

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 2.5.24

  Library:  Track A iReady Window: Now Closed PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. PLC ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill: February 16th @ 9:30 Secure Drill: January 29th @ 8:45 Get inside Lock outside doors Staff meeting: 2.8.24 @ 2:25 in the staffroom Remember some kids just hear yelling all day. Be a positive and loving voice in their lives. BDR: Please make sure that an admin is notified if you are marking "administrator" on the BDR. Also, please list the administrator who handled it in the notes.   Accident Reports:   Please remember to send students up with an accident report or ASAP. The details get muddled as the sit in the office.  Put up chairs daily:  Please stack chairs daily, so allow best access to the cleaning the floor.  **Please remember to check the LIVE Google Calendar as dates/times are subject to change.