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Showing posts from November, 2023

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 11.27.23

  * Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: Library:  Track A PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. PLC ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill:  11.29 .23   @ 8:30pm West Park Students: Their visits have come to an end for the year. Staff meeting: 11.30.23 @ 2:25 in the staffroom **Please remember to check the LIVE Google Calendar as dates/times are subject to change.

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 11.13.23

  * Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: Library:  Closed during confence week. PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. PLC ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill:  11.29 .23   @ 8:30pm West Park Students: Their visits have come to an end for the year. Staff meeting: 11.30.23 @ 2:25 in the staffroom Conference Reminders Teachers are only expected to hold one family conference during Conference Week. If parents/guardians are not together and request separate meetings, please work to find a solution to ensure one conference.  Teachers are expected to stay on campus for conferences, even if a conference is on Zoom. If you need an interpreter for another language besides Spanish, please work with your clerical to submit a Request for an Interpreter as soon as possible.  No surprises: This is your time to truthfully inform families of progress. There shouldn't be any surprises. Also, PLEASE DO NOT TELL FAMILIES TO REQUEST

Orchard Ranch Weekly Blog 11.6.23

  * Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter. INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: Library:  Track B  PLC Wednesday: Meet in Classrooms @ 1:10 to discuss RtI. PLC ends at 2:20 Evacuation Drill:  11.29 .23   @ 8:30pm West Park Students: Their visits have come to an end for the year. Staff meeting: 11.30.23 @ 2:25 in the staffroom Conference Reminders Teachers are only expected to hold one family conference during Conference Week. If parents/guardians are not together and request separate meetings, please work to find a solution to ensure one conference.  Teachers are expected to stay on campus for conferences, even if a conference is on Zoom. If you need an interpreter for another language besides Spanish, please work with your clerical to submit a Request for an Interpreter as soon as possible.  PD Survey: A reminder to please complete the October 30, 2023 Professional Development feedback form by Monday, November 6th if you have not done so already.  We appreciate your