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Showing posts from February, 2021

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 3.1.21

                             Conference are over!!! Staff Member Spotlight:   Marisa Nordlin Binge Watch: I'm not a binge TV watcher. Saying: Don't apologize for being yourself AND don't break promises to yourself. Music : Country and Tom Petty (I know random) Music & Bing Watch:   If you haven't shared your music and binge watching recommendations yet, please click  HERE  to do so.  INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) SSP Link: Click here to view the process Link & start paperwork PBIS Help: Click FORM for support. Onsite Testing: This is now once a week. For the month of March we will have surveillance  testing every Tuesday from 12:15 - 3:15   Staff Meeting: 3 .10.21 @2pm Data Celebration: You should know that I pulled last year's iReady data at this point and compared it with this most current iReady data. We are only a few percentage points off. Great job!!! The hard work you are doing is

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 2.15.21

  Staff Member Spotlight                             Steph Sage Binge Watch:  Dead to ME Saying:  Don't ruin a new day by thinking about yesterday. Let it go. Music : 80's Pop Music & Bing Watch:   If you haven't shared your music and binge watching recommendations yet, please click  HERE  to do so.  INFORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) SSP Link: Click here to view the process Link & start paperwork PBIS Help: Click FORM for support. Onsite Testing:   February 23 Chilton Middle & Orchard Ranch 7:45 am  - 3:00 pm Staff Meeting: 3 .10.21 @2pm Conference Week Schedule: MDS will be here earlier to distribute snacks and take home lunches. Conferences: Remember, even though you have had communication with parents, they still may still feel shocked by their students grades. Empathize Celebrate Encourage Explain interventions and what we will do to get them caught back up. Spiritwear: Complete spiritwear ord

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 2.15.21

  Staff Member Spotlight                        Jenny Boone Binge Watch:  Sons of Anarchy, Outlander, Lost, New Girl, Drunk History, Crazy Delicious Saying:  "There are five important things for living a successful and fulfilling life: never stop dreaming, never stop believing, never give up, never stop trying, and never stop learning." Music : Dave Matthews Band (although I have been on a Bahamas kick lately! LOVE their music! ) Music & Bing Watch:   If you haven't shared your music and binge watching recommendations yet, please click  HERE  to do so.  IN FORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) SSP Link: Click here to view the process Link & start paperwork PBIS Help: Click FORM for support. Onsite Testing:   February 23 Chilton Middle & Orchard Ranch 7:45 am  - 3:00 pm Staff Meeting: 3 .10.21 @2pm *Gate Testing: 2021-2022  GATE  Identification Testing  for  GATE  identification typically occurs in Janu

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 2.8.21

Staff Member Spotlight                        Belinda Richards Binge Watch:  Below Deck Mediterranean & Bosch Saying:  Karma is a b!%$, which helps keep me in line. Lol! Music : 80's Hair bands and classic rock Music & Bing Watch:   If you haven't shared your music and binge watching recommendations yet, please click  HERE  to do so.  IN FORMATION & AN NOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) SSP Link: Click here to view the process Link & start paperwork PBIS Help: Click FORM for support. Onsite Testing:  None this week Staff Meeting: 2.10.21 @2pm Gate Testing: 2021-2022  GATE  Identification Testing  for  GATE  identification typically occurs in January, however, this year (20/21 school year) the district will not be conducting  GATE   testing .  If there are any changes in this decision, the website will be updated to reflect the  testing  dates. Contact Laurie Milton at 771-1600, extension 50129 with questions *Please a