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Showing posts from May, 2020

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 5.18.20

We're getting closer Broncos!! This week's COVID-19 "Aladdin " Music Video  is being brought to you by Christy Isaac. Music:  If you haven't shared your music of choice yet, please click  HERE  to do so.  IN FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) Lunch Helpers for this week:  Nope Dates to Know:  1. Class Lists: May 15th 2. Spirit Day: May 15th (Neon Day) 3. Articulation Cards: May 22nd (Hard Copy or Digital Form) 4. Report Cards: May 22nd (Will let you  know  how they are being sent out.)  5. Library Book due: May 22nd 6. Curriculum Form: May 28th in Maribel's box 7. Classroom organization & Sign Out: May 28th and 29th     -Clean up     -Sign out     -Materials gathering and placement in barn .   Adjunct Duties:  These will be changing as we approach next year, but I would like to know what you're interested in participating in. FYI, just because it's been a pa

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 5.11.20

This week's COVID-19 "Billie Eilish " Music Video  is being brought to you by Claire Richmond. Music:  If you haven't shared your music of choice yet, please click  HERE  to do so.  IN FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) Lunch Helpers for this week:  Nope First Responders Day:  Since our First Responders Day was cancelled, our First Responder Team reached out to the agencies that would have been in attendance and asked for videos or pictures to send out to our school. Only Roseville Fire responded with a video so we grabbed handouts and activities from the agency's websites.    Click HERE  for those handouts and please share with your families.  Articulation: Articulation should be completed by 5/15/20. See Megan's email for clarification on PTBL on the artic cards. Adjunct Duties: These will be changing as we approach next year, but I would like to know what you're interested in

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 5.4.20

This week's COVID-19 "Dave Matthews Band " Music Video  is being brought to you by Jenny Boone. Music:  If you haven't shared your music of choice yet, please click  HERE  to do so.  IN FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) Lunch Helpers for this week:  Nope Congratulations: Marissa Kellogg this years Orchard Ranch Teacher Who Makes A Difference. If you need to come to campus:  We are still being directed to work from home as much as possible. I will be on campus... Tuesdays 9-12pm Wednesdays 9-3pm Curriculum: If you're one of those people that need to get your curriculum to Maribel, please come Tuesday and/or Wednesday. Thank you.  Articulation: Information regarding this will come out to you this week.  *Science Materials Pick-up: Staff meetings:  Wednesdays at 9am. Final Pick up:  Parents will be able to pick up materials, pictures and drop o