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Showing posts from February, 2020

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 2.24.20

Have a FANTASTIC week!! This week's staffroom "Show Tunes " Playlist  is being brought to you by Jennifer Turner . Music:  If you haven't shared your music of choice yet, please click  HERE  to do so.  IN FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) Lunch Helpers for this week:  Mrs. Sutter's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. Library: Schedule B (Alternate Testing Schedule) Yearly Schedule Click Here ELPAC: Remember testing is this week. Thank you for your help as we try this new assessment and procedure.  Attendance: It is crucial to the goings on in the office that you get your attendance and lunch input ASAP in the morning. Thank you.  Health Letters: When a child is sick and you receive a letter to send home, please send home that day and DO NOT wait until Friday. We need to let

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 2.18.20

This week's staffroom "Cat Stevens " Playlist  is being brought to you by Makis .   Music:  If you haven't shared your music of choice yet, please click  HERE  to do so.  IN FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) Lunch Helpers for this week:  Mr. Halseth's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. Library: Schedule A Yearly Schedule Click Here Picking up kids ON TIME: If you pick up your class just 5 minutes after the final lunch bell rings, they would've lost 565 instructional minutes at this point. Please be prepared to meet your students on time.  Orange Vests:  Please make sure you wear your orange vest EVERY TIME you have duty. It really helps the kids find an adult when they need one.  Fire Drill: We will be having a fire drill on 2/21 @ 10am. Lock Down Drill:  3/4 @ 1:

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 2.10.20

This week's staffroom "Top 40s " Playlist  is being brought to you by Stephanie Sage .  Music:  If you haven't shared your music of choice yet, please click  HERE  to do so.  IN FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) Lunch Helpers for this week:  Mrs. Kellogg's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. Library: Schedule B Yearly Schedule Click Here Staff Meeting:  This is going to be a packed meeting, so please be prepared to start at 7:30. Agenda *Lunch Count:  Please make sure you have your lunch count input into powerschool in the am.  Custodial Night Cleaning:  Below is the AB schedule for cleaning. The days flipflop weekly. I will work to include the schedule in each BLOG. To help with cleaning, please make sure chairs are stacked and large debris is picked up. This will ensu