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Showing posts from January, 2019

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 1.28.19

IN FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.)    This week's staffroom  Billy Joel  Playlist  is being brought to you by  Melissa Hanby ! Lunch Helpers for this week:  Mrs. Chandler's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. How to make History together: Gratitude is the attitude that builds strength within yourself and others. Always look to the positive. Do NOT give time to negative thoughts or people. Attitude is EVERYTHING when it leads to Action. *Lunch: THIS HAS WORKED!!!!!  In an effort to not waste food, but also have enough food to feed our school, please DON'T add any numbers to your lunch count to accommodate for possibly absent people. Makis takes extras into account when he is cooking. Thank you.  *Growth Update:  The word is out!!!! OR is the hottest school in the distr

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 1.21.19

IN FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) This week's staffroom  Carlos Santana  Playlist  is being brought to you by  Maribel ! Lunch Helpers for this week:  Mr. Richmond's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. Lunch: In an effort to not waste food, but also have enough food to feed our school, please DON'T add any numbers to your lunch count to accommodate for possibly absent people. Makis takes extras into account when he is cooking. Thank you.  Growth Update: The word is out!!!! OR is the hottest school in the district! 122 new to OR Registrations for next year. Please know we are working with the district and will be communicating with families about our unprecedented  growth. Please remember... Classroom movement is almost guaranteed the 1st 5 years, as we settle. Wit

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 1.14.19

IN FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) This week's staffroom  Country  Playlist  is being brought to you by  Kari Choy ! Lunch Helpers for this week:  Mrs. Boone's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. Vests: Please continue to wear you orange vests on ALL duties.  It's for the safety of the kids an YOU. Tweeting: Please try to Tweet at least once a week. Remember we are trying to tell our story to parents who can't volunteer and to the community. Thank you.  SSC: Meeting cancelled for 1/14. Culture Club Meeting: 1/16 @ 7:40 am. Copy Machine: We are planning on moving the copy machine from Dakota's room to the room off of the library where the chrome carts  are, but it will take some time as we need to customize it's location. OR Site Intent Form: Plea

Orchard Ranch Weekly BLOG 1.7.19

IN FORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS: (“*” Indicates the number of weeks it’s been in newsletter.) This week's staffroom 90's Alternative  playlist  is being brought to you by  the Jamie Santos ! Lunch Helpers for this week:  Mrs. Jackson's class . Click here for the lunch helper schedule! Please send the same 4-5 students this week to help in the lunchroom @ 12:00. Thank you. Holiday Decorations: Thank you, so much, for getting your decorations removed for the fire inspection. Currently, the inspector had to reschedule. Good news is that we are ready for the next scheduled inspection in a couple weeks. Thank you for helping OR be prepared. Workshop: Attached is a flyer for an upcoming workshop featuring two of our own.  This is the FREE parent education workshop on Wednesday, January 9. The goal is to help bridge the gap between medical, school and home. The workshop will provide a well-rounded perspective of the ADHD diagno